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来源:考试网  [ 2018年1月25日 ]  【

  Poverty in Different Countries

  In the United States during 1992, any family of four with an annual cash income of less than $ 14, 335 (before taxes) was considered poor. The dollar amount was called the poverty line, an economic measuring rod devised in 1964. The line was set at three times the amount needed to provide the cheapest nutritionally balanced diet. The poverty line is adjusted annually for inflation.

  While the poverty line in the United States was more than $ 14, 000, the average annual per-person income in Bangladesh was $ 200, in Ethiopia $ 130, in Haiti $340, and In Mali 4 265. Anyone in those nations with an income of $ 14, 000 would be considered wealthy. During the Great Depression in the United States, when half the population was considered poor, a family with an income at the 1992 poverty line could afford to buy a house, a car, clothing and food.

  The reality of poverty varies with location and social and political conditions. Poverty basically means a lack of, or an insufficient amount of, the three primary physical needs--- food, clothing, and shelter. But for poverty to be recognized, it must exist alongside prosperity. Before the discovery of the New World, the American Indians would not have considered themselves poor, though they lived with only the bare necessities and a few handmade artifacts(人工制品).

  The severity of poverty varies, depending on the economic vitality of the nation in which it occurs. In the modern industrialized societies of Western Europe, North America, and Japan, there are many government services provided to ease poverty --- including free medical care and subsidized housing. The homeless of New York City and Los Angeles can usually find some shelter and a mission offering free meals.

  46. You would be considered poor in America if ____.

  A. You are out of a job.

  B. You earn less than three times the amount needed to provide the cheapest diet.

  C. You earn less than $ 14, 335 (before taxes) per year.

  D. The amount of money you earn is below the current poverty line.

  47. The average annual cash income per person before taxes in the USA in 1992 was ____.

  A. more than $ 14, 000 B. $200 C. $14,335 D. about $3,580

  48. The purpose of the example of the American Indians given in the 3rd paragraph is to show that poverty is ____.

  A. absolute B. non-existent C. Relative D. never recognized

  49. Free medical care and subsidized housing most probably exist in ___ to relieve the poor and the needy.

  A. Bangladesh B. Haiti C. Canada D. India

  50. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. From 1929 to 1933, 50% of the American population lived in poverty.

  B. Where there is prosperity, there is poverty.

  C. Poverty basically refers to a lack of clothing, housing and food.

  D. Anyone with an annual income around the 1992 American poverty line would be considered wealthy.


  答案及分析:46. A分析:根据短文第一段的最后两句可知选项C太局限了。因为题目问的是“如果…,在美国你可能被认为是贫穷的”,所以14,335美金并不是唯一的衡量标准,只有D符合题意.

  47. A分析:根据第一段第一句的文意,只有C才符合题目的要求,故答案为C。

  48. B分析:根据文章第三段第一句,“贫穷随着当地的社会和政治条件的不同而不同”,只有relative符合题意,故答案为B。

  49. C分析:根据文章最后一段中的In the modern industrialized societies of Western Europe, North America, and Japan, there are many government services provided to ease poverty --- including free medical care and subsidized housing.,只有Western Europe(西欧),North America(北美)和Japan(日本)才提供免费的医疗和补助住房,加拿大在北美,故答案为C。

  50. D分析:从文章第二段中的During the Great Depression in the United States, when half the population was considered poor, a family with an income at the 1992 poverty line could afford to buy a house, a car, clothing and food.可以知道A不对。从文章第三段中的But for poverty to be recognized, it must exist alongside prosperity.,可以知道B不对,从文章第三段中的Poverty basically means a lack of, or an insufficient amount of, the three primary physical needs--- food, clothing, and shelter.可以知道C不对,故答案为D。

  Teach Your Child to Wonder

  Children start out as natural scientists, instinctively eager to investigate the world around them. Helping them enjoy science can be easy, there’s no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment. You only have to share your children’s curiosity. Firstly, listen to their questions. I once visited a classroom of seven-year-olds to talk about science as a career. The children asked me “textbook questions” about schooling, salary and whether I liked my job. When I finished answering, we sat facing one another in science. Finally I said, “Now that we’re finished with your lists, do you have questions of your own about science?”

  After a long pause, a boy raised his hand, “have you ever seen a grasshopper eat? When I try eating leaves like that, I got a stomachache. Why? ”

  This began a series of questions that lasted nearly two hours.

  Secondly, give them time to think. Studies over the past three decades have shown that, after asking a question, adults typically wait only one second or less for a response, no time for a child to think. When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more, children respond with more logical, complete and creative answers.

  Thirdly, watch your language. Once you have a child engaged in a science discussion, don’t jump in with “That’s right” or “Very good.” These words work well when it comes to encouraging good behavior. But in talking about science, quick praise can signal that discussion is over. Instead, keep things going by saying, “That’s interesting” or “I’d never thought of it that way before,” or coming up with more questions or ideas.

  Never urge a child to “Think”. It doesn’t make sense, children are always thinking, without your telling them to. What’s more, this can turn a conversation into a performance. The child will try to find the answer you want, in as few as possible, so he will be a smaller target for your disapproval.

  Lastly, show, don’t tell. Real-life impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can extract from a book or a television program. Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass, and they’ll understand why you want them to wash before dinner. Rather than saying that water evaporates, set a pot of water to boil and let them watch the water level drop.

  46. In order to arouse children’s interest, the most important things for adults to do is ___.

  A. to encourage them by saying “That’s right frequently ” B. to share their curiosity

  C. to explain difficult phrases about science D. to offer their children lad devices

  47. The word “instinctively” in the first line can be replaced by ____.

  A. actively B. passionately C. impulsively D. interestingly

  48. According to the passage, children can give more logical, complete and creative answers n science discussion if adults ____.

  A. give them some hints B. encourage them by giving them prize

  C. urge them to think D. wait at least for three seconds after a question

  49. According to the fifth and sixth paragraphs, we may infer that ___.

  A. to praise does good to a child engaged in a science discussion

  B. a child will not think unless you urge him to do so

  C. more questions or ideas can keep science discussion going well

  D. parents’ language can not affect a child’s performance

  50. The author mentions all of the following techniques for adults to share with their children’s curiosity except that adults should_____.

  A. tell their children stories instead of reciting facts

  B. offer their children the chance to see things for themselves

  C. be patient enough when their children answer questions

  D. encourage their children to ask questions of their own


  答案及分析:51. B分析:从文章第一段第三句You only have to share your children’s curiosity可以知道答案。其他三个选项在文章中没有提到,或与文意相反。故答案为B。

  52. C 分析:instinctively的意思是“生来,本能的”,表达了“孩子生来就像科学家”这层含义。故答案为C。

  53. D 分析:本题考察的是对段落大意的把握,第四段最后一句When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more, children respond with more logical, complete and creative answers.整是该段段意,其他三个选项在文章中没有提到。故答案为D。

  54. C 分析:文章第五段提到But in talking about science, quick praise can signal that discussion is over. Instead, keep things going第六段又说不要刻意激励孩子去思考。选项A不对,因为不能单纯的表扬孩子;选项B不对,因为其意义正好与原文相反;选项D不对,因为从第五段可以知道适当的夸奖会起到良好的作用,但要注意方式,故答案为C.

  55. A 分析:从上面的提示归纳出的几个要点可以看出,只有A没有谈到,故答案为A.

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