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来源:考试网  [ 2020年5月26日 ]  【



  Passage One

  There has been, in history, a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived to tell the tale. The man's name is James Bartley. The records to prove his unusual experience are in the British Admiralty.

  Bartley was making his first trip on the whaling ship Star of the East. Suddenly the lookout sighted a huge sperm whale. The whalers knew it was a huge whale by the size of the spray it blew into the air. They lowered their small boats. James Bartley was in the first longboat. The men rowed until they were close to the whale. A harpoon was thrown and it found its mark. It sank into the whale's flesh. The maddened beast crashed into the boat, snapping its tail at the men and the wreckage of their boats. When the survivors were picked up, James Bartley was missing.

  Shortly before sunset, the whale was finally captured. The sailors tied the whale's dead body to the side of the ship. Because of the hot weather it was important that they cut up the whale right away. Otherwise, the meat would begin to rot and oil would begin to spoil. When they got to the stomach, they felt something moving about wildly. They thought it would be a big fish still alive inside. But when they opened the stomach they found James Bartley. After this trip, Bartley settled in England, and never returned to sea.

  第1题 This passage is mainly about__________.

  A.how to hunt whales for their oil and meat

  B.The hard and dangerous lives that whalers had to live

  C.The duties of each man on a whaling ship

  D.a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived

  第2题 The sailors knew that something was in the whale's stomach because__________.

  A.they could feel it moving about wildly

  B.The whale seemed very heavy

  C.The whale was swelling at one spot

  D.The captain heard Bartley yelling for help

  第3题 James Barfley probably never went to sea again because__________.

  A.he wanted different kinds of adventures

  B.of fright and shock

  C.he was crippled by the whale

  D.he often got seasick

  第4题 The author, in telling James Bartley's story, informs us by__________.

  A.narrating the plain facts B.referring to whaling in general

  C.comparing whaling to other fishing D.dramatically telling what happened  Passage Two

  In ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things that could be touched: food ,tools, and previous metals and stones. Then the barter system was replaced by coins, which still had real value since they were pieces of rare metal. Coins were followed by fiat money, paper notes that have value only because everyone agrees to accept them.

  Today electronic monetary systems are gradually being introduced that will transform money into even less tangible forms,reducing it to a series of "bits and bytes" ,or units of computerized information, going between machines at the speed of light. Already, electronic fund transfer allows money to be instantly sent and received by different banks, companies, and countries through computers and telecommunications devices.

  第5题 According to the passage, which of the following was the earliest kind of exchange of wealth?( )

  A.Bartered goods.  B.Fiat money C.Coin currency  D.Intangible forms

  第6题 The author mentions food,tools and precious metals and stones together because they are all__________.

  A.useful items  B.articles of value

  C.difficult things to obtain  D.material objects

  第7题 According to the passage, coins once had real value currency because they__________.

  A.represented a great improvement over barter

  B.permitted easy transportation of wealth

  C.were made of precious metals

  D.could become collector's items

  第8题 Which of the following statements about computerized monetary systems is NOT supported by the passage?( )

  A.They promote international trade.

  B.The allow very rapid money transfers.

  C.They are still limited to small transactions

  D.They are dependent on good telecommunications systems.

  Passage Three

  Alaska, which was called Russian America before it was sold to U. S. A. ,joined the union as the forty-ninth state in 1959.

  Alaska is now the largest of all the 50 states of the U. S..

  It was in 1867 that President A. Johnson's Secretary of State(国务卿) ,Seward bought Alaska from the Russians at a cost of 7.2 million. The buying of the huge northern land mass seemed at first something foolishly done. Not only was Alaska difficult to reach, but it was also hard to bye in, and it appeared to have no importance in time of war. Besides, there are volcanoes there as Alaska hes on the Pacific" ring of fire". In Alaska large treeless areas are covered with snow all the year. For these reasons the buying of Alaska was called "Seward's Fooly" at that time.

  However, in 1896 gold was found in Alaska, and people poured tin to the land quickly. Since then other important natural resources were discovered, including oil. Soon people changed their thinking about "Seward's Fooly". But most people visit Alaska in order to see the endless beauty of nature that the northern land discloses to them. For instance, there are a- bout 11,000 islands in Alaska. And in a certain area of Alaska the sun does not set for 82 days

  every year.

  第9题 Alaska belonged to__________before 1867.

  A.Russia B.America C.Canada D.Japan

  第10题 The buying of Alaska was first called__________.

  A.a foolish thing B.Seward's Fooly

  C.Johnson's Fooly D.President's Foolishness

  第11题 Volcanoes__________in Alaska as__________.

  A.are not found ;large parts of the land is covered with snow

  B.are not found ;it is at the northern top of America

  C.are found; it is on the Pacific" ring of fire"

  D.are found;there are so many islands

  第12题 Tourists came to Alaska to__________.

  A.study its importance in war B.study its volcanoes

  C.enjoy its freezing weather D.enjoy its beauty of nature

  Passage Four

  Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East. Tennessee is a body of water known as the Lost Sea. It is listed by the Guinness Bool of World Records as the world's largest underground lake. The Lost Sea is part of an extensive and historic cave system called Craighead Caverns.

  The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee Indian Nation. The cave expands into a series of huge rooms from a small opening on the side of the mountain. Approximately one mile from the entrance, in room called "the Council Room", many Indian artifacts have been found. Some of the items discovered include pottery, arrowheads, weapons, and jewelry.

  For many years there were persistent rumors of a large underground lake somewhere in a cave, but it was not discovered until 1905. In that year, a thirteen-year-old boy named Ben Sands crawled through a small opening three hundred feet underground. He found himself in a large cave half filled with water.

  Today tourists visit the Lost Sea and ride far out onto it in glass-bottomed boats powered by electric motors. More than thirteen acres of water have been mapped out so far and still no end to the lake has been found. Even though teams of divers have tried to explore the Lost Sea, .the full extent of it is still unknown.

  第13题 The Lost Sea is unique because it is__________.

  A.part of a historical cave system

  B.the biggest underground lake in, the world

  C.listed in the Gninness Book of World Records

  D.the largest body of water in Tennessee

  第14题 The Craighead Caverns have been known__________.

  A.through history B.since the time of the Indian Nations

  C.since 1905 D.since divers explored them

  第15题 Who located the Lost Sea in recent times?

  A.The Cherokee Indians. B.Tourism.

  C.Ben Sands. D.Scientists.

  第16题 It can be inferred from the passage that the Craighead Caverns presendy serve as__________.

  A.an underground testing site B.an Indian meeting ground

  C.a tourist attraction D.a motor boat race course

  Passage Five

  "Family"is of course an elastic word. But when British people say that their society is based on family life,they are thinking of "family" in its 'narrow,peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together alone in their own house as an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and independent family-- hence the tremendous importance of marriage in British life. For both the man and the woman, marriage means leaving one's parents and starting one's own life. The man's first duty will then be to his wife, and the wife's to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financial support, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibility and theirs alone. Neither the wife's parents nor the husband's, nor their brothers or sisters,aunts or uncles, have any right to interfere with them--they are their own masters.

  Readers of novels like Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice will know that in former times marriage among wealthy families were arranged by the girl's parents, that is, it was the parents'duty to find a suitable husband for their daughter, preferably a rich one, and by skillful encouragement to lead him eventually to ask their permission to marry her. Until that time, the girl was protected and maintained in the parents'home, and the financial relief of getting rid of her could be seen in their giving the newly married pair a sum of money called a dowry. It is very different today. Most girls of today get a job when they leave school and become financially independent before their marriage. This has had two results. A girl chooses her own husband, and she gets no dowry.

  第17题 What does the author mean by" family is of course an elastic word"?( )

  A.Different families have different ways of life.

  B.Different definitions could be given to the word.

  C.Different nations have different families.

  D.Different times produce different families.

  第18题 For an English family,the husband's duty is__________.

  A.supporting the family while the wife is financial

  B.defending the family while the wife is running the home

  C.financial while the wife is running the home

  D.independent while the wife is dependent

  第19题 Everything is decided in a family__________.

  A.by the couple B.with the help of their parents

  C.by brothers and sisters D.with the help of aunts and uncles

  第20题 What is true concerning the book Pride and Prejudice?

  A.It is the best book on marriage.

  B.It is a handbook of marriage.

  C.It gives quite some idea of English social life in the past.

  D.It provides a lot of information of former-time wealthy families.

  Passage Six

  You have studied hard, and the day has 21 __________come when you must write your exam. Try to arrive a few minutes before the 22__________ starts. Avoid talking to other students, especially those 23 __________are doing some last minute cramming. These people will make you nervous and 24__________ your concentration.

  If you can, choose a seat that allows you to 25__________ Try to sit away from the 26__________ to the room so you are not 27__________ by students leaving before you are finished. Listen 28__________ to any verbal instructions from the teacher or any 29__________ written on the beard.

  Here are five 30__________ for taking exams:

  1. Catch your 31__________ ;

  2. Read the 32 __________very carefully;

  3. 33 __________through the test ;

  4. 34__________ your time ;

  5. Attack the 35__________ .

  第21题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Fortunately  B.lastly  C.lately  D.finally

  第22题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.class  B.exam  C.issue  D.final

  第23题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.which  B.examinees  C.students  D.who

  第24题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.destroy  B.hurt  C.disturb  D.distress

  第25题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.reduce  B.listen  C.be quiet  D.Concentrate

  第26题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.exit  B.window  C.gate  D.seat

  第27题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.upset  B.bothered  C.excited  D.Annoyed

  第28题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.still  B.silently  C.carefully  D.Instantly

  第29题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.messages  B.letter  C.information  D.Words

  第30题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.tips  B.steps  C.following  D.Figures

  第31题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.attention  B.breath  C.focus  D.Spirit

  第32题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.test  B.questions  C.directions  D.Words

  第33题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Look  B.Listen  C.Skim  D.Read

  第34题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Budget  B.Think  C.Count  D.Number

  第35题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.students  B.concentration  C.problems  D.Questions

  Passage Seven

  A.Anything wrong with you?

  B. That's splendid !

  C. you have to work, not to go watching football.

  D. You look very excited.

  E. I can quite believe it.

  F. I say, couldn't we all go and see it and shout for Jan's team?

  G. you must pay much attention to listening and speaking.

  H. Don't mention it.

  (Fred = A ; Mr. Smith = B ; Bob = C)

  A: Oh, Mr. Smith, are you very busy?

  B: Well, I was just going to give Bob a private lesson, but what's the matter? 36 __________

  A: I must tell you my news. Jan has been chosen to play football for London against Oxford University.

  B: 37__________ He must be very pleased about it, isn't he?

  A: Yes, he is, although he doesn't say much. The match is at three o'clock next Thurs- day.

  C: 38__________ .

  B : We mustn't give no attention to our work, Bob. If you want to learn English, 39 __________.

  C : But sir, you needn't sit in a classroom to learn English. Why, ! went to see a football match last Saturday and I learned a lot of words I had never heard in this classroom.

  B: 40__________.

  第36题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Anything wrong with you? B. That's splendid !

  C. you have to work, not to go watching football.

  D. You look very excited. E. I can quite believe it.

  F. I say, couldn't we all go and see it and shout for Jan's team?

  G. you must pay much attention to listening and speaking.

  H. Don't mention it.

  第37题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Anything wrong with you? B. That's splendid !

  C. you have to work, not to go watching football.

  D. You look very excited. E. I can quite believe it.

  F. I say, couldn't we all go and see it and shout for Jan's team?

  G. you must pay much attention to listening and speaking.

  H. Don't mention it.

  第38题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Anything wrong with you? B. That's splendid !

  C. you have to work, not to go watching football.

  D. You look very excited. E. I can quite believe it.

  F. I say, couldn't we all go and see it and shout for Jan's team?

  G. you must pay much attention to listening and speaking.

  H. Don't mention it.

  第39题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Anything wrong with you? B. That's splendid !

  C. you have to work, not to go watching football.

  D. You look very excited. E. I can quite believe it.

  F. I say, couldn't we all go and see it and shout for Jan's team?

  G. you must pay much attention to listening and speaking.

  H. Don't mention it.

  第40题 请选择最佳答案填入(  )

  A.Anything wrong with you? B. That's splendid !

  C. you have to work, not to go watching football.

  D. You look very excited.  E. I can quite believe it.

  F. I say, couldn't we all go and see it and shout for Jan's team?

  G. you must pay much attention to listening and speaking.

  H. Don't mention it.

  Passage Eight

  As far back as he could remember, Larry had longed to go to Hollywood and become a film star.The young man's hopes for success were broken again and again, however.Hollywood just did not seem interested.When he first came to California Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success.Therefore, he kept on trying.Someday, he told himself, his big opportunity would come.

  Larry found a job parking cars for one of Hollywood's big restaurants.His pay was basic, but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money, he managed to make a living.

  One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car.Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture.

  Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it.Then he stopped, jumped out, and ran over to the director."Excuse me, sir, but I think it's only fair to tell you that it's now or never if you want me in your next picture.A lot of big companies are after me."

  Instead of pushing away the boy, the director got interested in Larry's words and stopped."Yes?

  Which companies?" he asked.

  "Well," replied the boy, "there's the telephone company, the gas company, and the electric company, to tell you only a few."

  The director laughed, then wrote something on a card and handed it to the young man."Come and see me tomorrow."

  Larry got a small part in the director's next film.He was on his way!

  第41题 Which of the following was Larry interested in? ( )

  A. Working as a waite

  B. Becoming a film sta

  C. Parking cars for film star

  D. Never going hom


  第42题 Why did Larry find a job parking cars? ( )

  A. Because he liked the job

  B. Because the parking lot was near Hollywoo

  C. To make a living and wait for the opportunit

  D. To see a lot of film stars and work for the

  解析: 参见第二段。

  第43题 After reading the story what can we infer about the film director? ( )

  A. He wanted to laugh at Larr

  B. He recognized Larry at first sigh

  C. He was kind and gave Larry a tr

  D. He thought Larry would become a sta

  解析: 通过两个人的对话可以看出。

  第44题 "He was on his way" refers to the fact that ( ).

  A. he gave up and returned home

  B. he began to work towards success

  C. he took a journey to Hollywood

  D. he had difficulties in playing the small part

  “If there is one thing I’m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers.It is not that newspapers are a necessity.Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio.Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday.But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.

  The nature of what is news may change.What basically makes news is what affects our lives — the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same.I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though.It’s already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic(基因) engineering.In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do — as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

  It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted(传送) electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home.In fact, I’m pretty sure that how it will happen in the future.You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read — sports and international news, et


  I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media(媒体).They actually feed off each other.Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn’t happene

  D.What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air.And as for the Internet, it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.

  第45题 What is the best title for the passage? ( )

  A. The Best Way to Get News B. The Changes of Media

  C. Make Your Own Newspaper D. The Future of Newspaper

  第46题 In the writer’s opinion, in the future, _______.

  A. more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news

  B. newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer

  C. newspapers will cover more scientific research

  D. more and more people will watch TV

  第47题 What will probably be on in the newspaper made by yourself?

  A. Sports and international new B. A menu of important new

  C. The most important new D. What you are interested i

  第48题 From the passage, we can infer _______.

  A. newspapers will win the competition among the different media

  B. newspapers will stay with us together with other media

  C. television will take the place of newspaper

  D. the writer believe some media will die out

  第49题 The phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means _______.

  A. depend on B. compete with C. fight with D. kill off

  Passage Nine

  We first think of the traditional or nuclear family.This is a two-generation family, the father and the mother and their own children.Most couples wanted to have four children, two boys, two girls.

  Some nuclear families, however, may add one or more grandparents to come to live with them, that is three generations.This kind of family with grandparents, parents, and grandchildren is called an extended family.This family type was not very common during the later half of the twentieth century, but it's becoming more common now as an elderly grandparent moves in to live with a son or daughter.This is more possible now that American homes have become larger.What is interesting, however, is that after the grandchildren move out of the home and start their own families, this extended family shrinks back to a nuclear family, with just two generations again living together, a grandparent and parents, with the grandchildren coming only for occasional visits.

  Now, the fatherless or motherless family is one kind of what we call a single-parent family.In the fatherless family it's just the mother and her children.As I said, this can be the result of the husband's death, of an unmarried mother, of a separation or divorce.There are also a growing number of motherless families--where the father raises the children, for any of the same reasons.A motherless family may also be fatherless, but still a family with one adult.This is becoming more common in the big cities where a grandmother will raise her daughter's children while the daughter goes elsewhere to work.

  One other new kind of family is becoming increasingly more common.A single parent with one or more children will marry again.Perhaps the other parent is also a single parent.Together they will start what is called a blended family, which blends together or combines the children from two other families.

  第50题 Who usually looks after the children in a both motherless and fatherless family in America?( )

  A. The children's aun B. The children's nursery or schoo

  C. The children's grandmothe D. The children's neighbou

  解析:第二自然段后半部分写到:“A motherless family may also be fatherless,but still a family with one adult.This is becoming more common in the big cities where a grandmother will raise her daughter’s children while the daughter goes elsewhere to work.”

  第51题 How is a blended family formed?( )

  A. A blended family is formed by two single-parent familie

  B. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and a grandparen

  C. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and grandparent

  D. A blended family is formed by two fatherless familie

  解析: 由第四自然段可知。

  第52题 What is true to the fact in America?( )

  A. There are more and more members in a famil

  B. There are less and less members in a famil

  C. There is an increasing number of grandparents who refuse to look after their grandchildre

  D. There is an increasing number of grandparents who live separately from their childre

  解析: 由第二自然段中句子“This is more possible now that American homes have become Larger ”。

  第53题 Which of the following is the best title of this passage?( )

  A. Famil B. American Familie

  C. Family Type D. Four Family Types in Americ

  解析: 全文讲了四种不同类型的家庭:两代人的家庭、三代人的家庭、单亲家庭和再婚家庭。

  Californian Michael Schwabe said goodbye to the gas pump two years ago.He leased an electric car.Schwabe says he gets more out of driving an electric car than just a charge.

  "With the price of gasoline and with the problems with clean air, it's important we get electric vehicles out on the road."

  On California roads there are about two thousand electric cars.By 2003, ten percent of all new cars may be required to have zero emissions.This is a mandate automakers say it is way ahead of its time.

  Gloria Bergquist of the Alliance of Auto Manufacturers says, "The technology (for zero emissions) isn't here yet; it still needs advancement in driving range to make it more appealing to a wider consumer audience."

  Auto makers blame it on the batteries.Power runs out on most cars after about 70 miles.However, some cars can now go more than 100 miles on a charge.Batteries are expensive.Carmakers say there is nothing they can do about it.

  Tim Carmichael of the Clean Air Coalition says, "The automakers have not built a vehicle unless required to do so, so it's very important for the state to stay committed to this program requiting automakers to build small amounts in beginning years and then the market will take off."

  第54题 When did Michael Schwabe say goodbye to the gas pump?( )

  A. Two days ago B. Two months ago

  C. Two years ago D. Ten years ago

  Like every language, American English is full of special expressions, phrases that come from the day-to-day life of the people and develop in their own way.Our expression today is “to face the music”.

  When someone says, “well, I guess I’ll have to face the music,” it does not mean he’s planning to go to the concert.It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you didn’t do this or that.Sour music indeed, but it has to be faced At sometime or another, every one of us has had to face the music, especially as children.We can all remember father’s angry voice, “I want to talk to you.” and only because we did not obey him.What an unpleasant business it was!

  The phrase “to face the music” is familiar to every American, young and old,It is at least 100 years old

  .And where did this expression come from? The first explanation comes from the American novelist, James Fenimore Looper.He said, in 1851, that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on the stage.When they got their cue to go on, they often said, “Well, it’s time to face the music.” And that was exactly what they did — facing the orchestra which was just below them.And an actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of an audience that might be friendly or perhaps hostile, especially if he forgot his lines.But he had to go out.If he did not, there would be no play.So the expression “to face the music” come to mean “having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice.”

  Other explanations about the expression go back to the army.When the men faced an inspection by their leader, the soldiers would be worried about how well they looked

  .Was their equipment clean, shinny enough to pass the inspection? Still the men had to go out and face the music of the band as well as the inspection.What else could they do?

  Another army explanation is more closely related to the idea of facing the results and accepting the responsibility for something that should not have been done.As, for example when a man is forced out of the army because he did something terrible, he is dishonored

  .The band does not play.Only the drums tap a sad, slow beat.The soldier is forced to leave, facing such music as it is and facing the back of his horse.

  第55题 How many ways does the phrase “to face the music” comes from?( )

  A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

  第56题 What’s the meaning of “to face the music?”( )

  A. To face something far less pleasan B. To face the stag

  C. To face the back of one’s hors D. To face one’s leade

  第57题 Which of the following is a situation of facing the music?( )

  A. When we are playing basketbal B. When we are making a speec

  C. When we are having a part D. When we are talking with somebod

  第58题 The underlined word “hostile” means _______.

  A. Unfriendly B. dislike C. unkind D. unnecessary

  第59题 How did Californian Michael Schwabe feel about driving an electric car?( )

  A. Too expensiv B. Hard to driv

  C. Easy to contro D. More than just a charg

  解析: 参见第一段的最后一句:租电动汽车的人说,开电动汽车所获得的远比所支付的要多。

  第60题 What do automakers blame for there being few electric cars now on the road?( )

  A. The price of ga B. The mandat

  C. The conditions of the road D. The batterie

  解析: 参见倒数第二段:汽车制造商抱怨电池消耗得很快,而电池很贵。

  Passage Ten

  Key James, Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia State government, loves to turn the tables on those who don't think it's possible to be middle-class,conservative,educated and still be truly black. Once, during an Abortion debate, a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn't have a clue about real African American life. "If you understood what these women go through," the woman said, "you would realize that abortion is their only choice. "

  James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare. She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family. Now she discovers another child is on the way. How would you counsel that woman, asked James.

  "Have an abortion," the woman responded. "That child would have a very poor quality of life. "

  "I have a vested interest in your answer," James said. "The woman I described was my mother. I was the fifth of six children born into poverty. And, in case you're interested,the quality of my life is just fine!"

  第61题 "To move the tables" means__________.

  A.to move the tables  B.to carry the tables away C.to gain courage

  D.to gain an advantage after having been at a disadvantage

  第62题 James' father__________.

  A.divorced his wife  B.liked to drink  C.deserted his family  D.B and C

  第63题 James' mother__________.

  A.was educated  B.was conservative  C.was poor  D.A and B

  第64题 James' family led a__________life when she was born.

  A.miserable  B.happy  C.well-off  D.hardly

  Passage Eleven

  When I was about 12 I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings. Week by week her list grew: I was skinny, I wasn't a good student, I was boyish, I talked too loud, and so on. I put up with her as long as I could. At last, with great anger, I ran to my father in tears.

  He listened to my outburst quietly. Then he asked, "Are the things she says true or not?"

  True? I wanted to know how to strike back. What did truth have to do with it?

  "Mary, didn't you ever wonder what you are really like? Well, you now have that girl's opinion. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said. "

  I did as he directed and discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldn't change ( like being skinny), but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change.

  For the first time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself.

  I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to take it.

  "That's just for you," he said. "You know better than anybody else the truth about yourself, once you hear it. But you've got to learn to listen, not to close your ears in anger or hurt. When something said about you is true you'll know it. You'll find that it will echo inside you. "

  Daddy's advice has returned to me at many important moments.

  第65题 What did the girl's enemy like to do?( )

  A.Talking with her.  B.Pointing out her weak points.

  C.Reporting to the teacher.  D.Quarrelling with her.

  第66题 What did the girl do when she could no longer bear her enemy?( )

  A.She turned to her father.  B.She cried to her heart's content.

  C.She tried to put up with her again.  D.She tried to be her friend.

  第67题 Why did the girl's father ask her to make the list?( )

  A.He wanted to keep the list at home.

  B.He didn't know what the girl's enemy had said.

  C.He wanted the girl to talk back.

  D.He wanted her to check if she really had these weak points.

  第68题 What can we infer from reading the passage?( )

  A.The girl benefited from her father's advice.

  B.The girl was very often angry with her father.

  C.The girl's father loved other people's advice,

  D.The girl was easily hurt by her father ,

  Passage Twelve

  Researchers have found that REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is important to human beings. This type of sleep generally occurs four or five times during one night of sleep lasting five minutes to forty minutes for each occurrence. The deeper a person's sleep becomes, ~the longer the periods of rapid eye movement.

  There are physical charges in the body to show that a person has changed from NREM( non-rapid eye movement) to REM sleep. Breathing becomes faster, the heart rate increases, and, as the name implies, the eyes begin to move quickly,

  Accompanying these physical changes in the body is a very important characteristic of REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that a person dreams..

  第69题 According to the passage,, how often does REM sleep occur in one night? __________

  A.Once  B.Twice  C.Four or five times  D.Forty times

  第70题 The word "deeper" in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following? __________

  A.heavier.  B.louder.  C.stronger.  D.Happier.

  第71题 Which of the following shows that a person is NOT dreaming in his sleep?__________

  A.His eyes begin to move.  B.His breathing-becomes faster.

  C.His heart rate increases.  D.His eyes stop moving.

  第72题 The subject of this passage is__________.

  A.why people sleep  B.the human need for REM sleep

  C.the characteristic of REM sleep  D.physical changes in the human body

  Passage Thirteen

  Man's first real invention, and one of the most important inventions in history, was the wheel. All transportation and every machine in the world depend on it. The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions, because there are no wheels in nature-no living thing was ever created with wheels. How, then, did man come to invent the wheel? Perhaps some early hunters found that they could roll the carcass of a heavy animal through the forest on logs more easily than they could carry it. However, the logs themselves weighed a lot.

  It must have taken a great prehistoric thinker to imagine two thin slices of log connected, at their centers by a string stick. This would roll along just as the logs did, yet be much lighter and easier to handle. Thus the wheel and axle came into being and with them the first carts.

  第73题 The wheel is important because__________.

  A.it was man's first real invention  B.all transportation depends on it

  C.every machine depends on it  D.both B and C

  第74题 The wheel is called__________.

  A.simple  B.complicated  C.strange  D.unusual

  第75题 It was remarkable of man to invent the wheel because__________.

  A.it led to .many other inventions  B.man had no use for it then

  C.there were no wheels in nature  D.all of the above

  第76题 The wheel was probably invented by__________.

  A.a group of early hunters  B.the first men on earth

  C.a great prehistoric thinker  D.the man who made the first cart

  Passage Fourteen

  Even plants can run a fever, especially when they're under attack by insects or disease. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away--straight up. A decade ago, adapting the infrared (红外线) scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide (杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don't have pest (害虫) problems.

  Even better, Paley's Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color-code map showing where plants were running" fevers". Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.

  The bad news is that Paley's company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works~ "This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States", says George Oerther of Texas A&M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agricultrue, thinks re- mote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.

  第77题 In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to__________.

  A.locate the problem areas  B.drew a color-ceded map

  C.measure the size of the affected area  D.estimate the damage to the crops

  第78题 Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by__________.

  A.transforming poisoned rain  B.consulting infrared scanning experts

  C.resorting to spot-spraying  D.detecting crop problems at an early date

  第79题 Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are__________.

  A.sprayed with pesticides  B.in pour physical condition

  C.facing an infrared scanner  D.exposed to excessive sun rays

  第80题 The application of infrared scanning technolgy to agriculture met with some difficulties due to__________.

  A.the lack of official support  B.its high cost

  C.its failure to help increase production  D.the lack of financial support

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