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来源:考试网   2016-05-09   【

  IV. Questions

  • 1. Do you spend a lot of time reviewing your lessons after class?

  • 2. Do you often attend lectures given by distinguished scholar? In what way have those lectures benefited you?

  • 3. Do you like taking exams?

  • 4. Do you spend a lot of time preparing for exams?

  • 5. Do you think exams are helpful to your studies?

  • 6. Are you happy when an exam is postponed or cancelled?

  Cheating in Exams (for candidates)

  • Please comment on the statement about cheating in exams given on your card.

  • 1. “It’s shameful to cheat and those who cheat should be severely punished.”

  • 2. “I don’t care whether other people cheat in exams so long as I don’t cheat myself.”

  • 3. “I’m strongly against cheating in exams and will report any such case.”

  • 4. “As long as there are exams, there will be people who cheat. Nothing can be done about it.”


  • What should be done to stop cheating in exams?

  More questions

  • 1. Do you think exams are necessary?

  • 2. Do you think exams are the only way to evaluate a student’s academic performance?

  • 3. Do you have any suggestions for reforming the present examination system at college?

  • 4. Do you think exams will be done away with someday?

  • 5. What are the positive and negative aspects of exams at college?

  V. Questions. Job, career

  • 1. When do college students usually start to look for a job?

  • 2. Is a college degree a guarantee for a good job in the future? Why or why not?

  • 3. Is it becoming more and more difficult for university graduates to get a good job? Why or why not?

  • 4. Do you agree that work experience should be a precondition for employment? Why or why not?

  • 5. What kind of job do you expect to get when you graduate? Why?

  • 6. Have you got any work experience? (If yes) Please say something about it. (If not) Do you think it’s a disadvantage?

  Job Hunting (for candidates)

  • Do you think the student should take the job or turn it down? Try to help him come to a decision.

  • 1. 专业对口,但工资低

  • 2 .工资高,但专业不对

  • 3. 工资高,但工作强度很大

  • 4. 专业对口,但晋升机会少


  • What should be one’s chief concern in choosing a job.

  More Questions

  • 1. Some applicants ask for a low salary in order to get a job. Do you think that is a good strategy? Why?

  • 2. What qualifications must one have to be more competitive in the job market?

  • 3. Do you think it’s easier for male students to get a job than female students? Why or why not?

  • 4. Do you think the higher one’s degree, the easier it will be for one to get a job? (Explain the reasons)

  • 5. Many university graduates would rather start their own businesses than hunt for a job. Do you think it’s a good idea? Why?

  • 6. During the discussion, why did you say that…?

  VI. Questions

  • 1. Can you say something about your primary school education?

  • 2. Can you say something about your middle school education?

  • 3. What subject did you like most at middle school?

  • 4. What extracurricular activities did you often take part in at middle school?

  • 5. Do you think you have more free time at college that at middle school? (If yes) How do you spend your free time? (If not) Why not?

  • 6. What do you think of your teachers at middle school.

  Education in China (for candidates)

  Please say what you know about education in China, focusing on the area specified on your card. The prompts provided are Only For Your Reference. You don’t have to cover all the points or be limited to them.

  • 1. Compulsory education

  • Nine-year compulsory education / quality of education / student workload

  • 2. Higher education

  • Rapid development / chances for admission / labor market

  • 3. Continuing education

  • Updating one’s knowledge / distance education / on-the-job training

  • 4. Vocational education

  • Need for skilled technicians / possibilities of career advancement / teaching staff and facilities


  • Which area of education should be given priority at present?

  More questions

  • 1. Do you think it’s easy to develop education in rural areas? (explain reasons)

  • 2. What do you think you can do to help improve education in remote areas?

  • 3. Do you think primary school education an important part of your life? (explain reasons)

  • 4. Do you think a university education is the only road to a successful career? Why or why not?

  • 5. What kind of school would you like to teach in if you were a teacher? (explain reasons)

  • 6. During the discussion, why did you say…?
