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来源:考试网   2016-01-16   【







  Section B

  Passage One


  Good afternoon. I'm Celia Kim, housing director here at the university. [ 16] I'm visiting all the dormitories this week to inform students about check-out procedures. I know you have a lot on your minds with finals coming up, but there are a few things you need to be aware of as you prepare to leave for vacation. This dormitory will be closed during the summer months and will reopen on September 1st. You must vacate your room by June 3rd. Even if you're registered for classes during the summer, you must leave this dorm by June 3rd. If this poses a problem for you, you should contact my office as soon as possible. You should remember to turn in your room key before you leave. Failure to return your key can result in a 20-dollar fine. [17 ] You must also make sure that all of your personal property has been cleared out of your room. [18] I'll be passing out a form for you to fill out concerning the condition of your room. You should report on the form any damage to your room which has occurred over the last year, such as holes in the room's walls, doors, windows or cabinets. That way, our summer maintenance crew will know where to make repairs before the next school year starts. If you have any questions during the next few days, please ask your resident advisors or call my office. Now please take one of the forms as they are passed around.

  16. What does the speaker mainly discuss?

  17. Before leaving their dorm rooms, what must the students do?

  18. What must students report on the forms?



  【解析】讲话者在开头就进行了自我介绍,表明自已是“housing director here atthe university(大学的住宿主管),其讲话内容也围绕学生宿舍在暑期的各项管理规定展开,可见该短文的主旨是暑期前的各项退宿手续,故选D。check-out意为“离开房间;退房结账”,其反义短语为“check-in(办理入住;登记,报到)”。




  2.三项属于学生可能需要做的事情(register for summer school,remove personal property,call the housing office)。


  【解析】本题是问学生在离开宿舍前必须要做的事情。housing director重点强调了三件事情:一是学生必须在6月3日之前搬离宿舍,如有困难,需与宿管部门联系;二是学生在离校之前要交出钥匙;三是要确保将自己的个人财物带出自己的房间。没有选项提及搬离或交钥匙的事情,故正确答案只能是C。




  2.两项含有与假期有关的词汇(summer addresses,leave),分别涉及地点和时间。



  Passage Two


  Good evening. I am doctor Winkle, saying hello to you from the school radio station. Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Tossing and turning in your bed can be a very painful experience. Then maybe this is for you.

  [ 19 ] When you worry about needing sleep and twisting around, trying to find a comfortable position, you're probably only making matters worse. What happens is that your heart rate actually increases, making it more difficult to relax. You may also have some bad habits that contribute to the problem.[20] Do you rest frequently during the day? Do you get virtually no exercise, or do you exercise strenuously late in the day?

  Do you think about sleeping a lot or sleeping late on weekends? Any or all of these factors might be leading to your insomnia by disrupting your body's natural rhythm. What should you do then on those sleepless nights? [21 ] Don't bother with sleeping pills. They can actually cause worse insomnia later. The best thing to do is to drink milk or eat cheese or tuna fish. They are all rich in the amino acid that helps produce in the brain a neurotransmitter that induces sleep. This neurotransmitter will help you relax, and you'll be on the way to get a good night's sleep. Until tomorrow's broadcast, this has been another in the series "Hints for Good Health" by Doctor Winkle.

  19. What happens when you turn and twist to get comfortable?

  20. What sometimes causes people to have trouble sleeping?

  21. What does the speaker say about sleeping pills?












  3.三项含有与睡眠、休息有关的词汇(rest,sleep,goingto beD.。









  Passage Three


  [22] We've just discussed how most snakes move, but there are some notable exceptions. One is the snake called the "American side-winder". From its name, you can probably guess that it moves sideways rather than in a straight line. This is because it lives in the desert where the sand slips and slides. [23] With nothing firm to push against for traction, the side-winder has had to adapt its way of movement to the shifting sand. It pushes against the sand with the entire side of its body, and then move sideways or sidesteps. Think about how a skier climbs a slope on skies. The skier places the skies at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the direction of movement. The skier then moves each ski by taking a step to the side up the slope. The side-winder snake moves in much the same manner. It lays its body at about 60 degree angle to the direction in which it wants to go. By doing this, the snake has more sand to push against. Then it points its head in the direction it wants to go and leaps to a parallel spot. Contractions down the length of the snake's body force the remainder of the body to follow. [24] If you see the tracks left by a side-winder in loose sand, you'll see a series of paralleled lines. !251 An added advantage gained from this method of moving may be that the snake's body is kept cooler by the breaking of contact with the hot sand during its leaps.

  22. What is the main topic of the talk?

  23. Why does the side-winder move the way it does?

  24. What do the side-winder's tracks look like?

  25. What may be a special advantage of the side-winder's method of moving?






  【解析】讲话者在开头处就提到:“刚刚我们已经讲了大多数蛇的移动方式,但是还有一些明显的特例,American side—winder(北美斜行蛇)就是其中的一种。”接下来,讲话者详细介绍了这种蛇的移动方式。故选C。



  【解析】题干问这种斜行蛇为什么要这样移动。短文中提到:“With nothing fu'rn to push against for traction,the side—winder has had to adapt its way of movement to the shifting sand.(由于找不到坚硬的东西来提供支撑摩擦力,斜行蛇只能使其移动的方式适应松软的细沙环境。)”接着,讲话者将这种蛇的移动方式与滑雪者的行进路线进行了类比,故选B。











  3.四项均含有与动物的生理状态有关的词或短语(body temperatures,energy consumption,conceal itself,vision)。



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