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考试网   2014-05-06   【

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  ?41. Hardly had the minister finished his statement ____ several reporters raised their hands and put forward a string of questions.

  ?A) when B) as C) then D) than

  ?42. The impact of this well?known book might not have been so far reaching ____ for Mr.William, who dared to publish it.

  ?A) if had it not been C) is it not being

  ?B) had it not been D) its only having been

  ?43. There were a lot ____ criticisms in the paper than expected.

  ?A) of C) of more

  ? B) more D) much more

  ?44. You shouldn't ____ that last week and you should do it next week.

  ?A) have done C) be doing

  ? B) do D) have to do

  ?45. Your father likes to play golf; he's really enthusiastic ____it.

  ?A) by B) about C) with D) on

  ?46. They have been waiting for many hours to see the singer, but the airplane must have been ____.

  ?A) off time C) ahead of schedule

  ?B) on time D) behind schedule

  ?47. He insisted that we all ____ in his office at one o'clock.

  ?A) be C) would be

  ? B) to be D) shall be

  ?48. I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure ____ I could have done with it.

  ?A) whether C) why

  ? B) what D) where

  ?49. I left very early last night, but I wish I ____ so early.

  ?A) didn't leave C) haven't left

  ?B) hadn't left D) couldn't leave

  ?50. I'd get it for you ____ I could remember who last borrowed it.

  ?A) except that C) if only

  ?B) on condition that D) considering whether

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