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来源:考试网   2017-07-08【



  伟大的抗战精神,蕴含着儿女和衷共济的团结精神。面对亡国灭种的民族危机,儿女,地无分南北,人无分老幼,有钱出钱,有 力出力,举国上下,万众一心,用血肉筑成了一座侵略者不可逾越的新的长城。“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”,在民族患难的时代,这种浩然之气概, 不屈之节操,激励着儿女赴汤蹈火,殊死奋战,使救亡图存成为可歌可泣、英勇卓绝的斗争。今年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年。重温 那段血与火的悲壮历史,缅怀抗日先烈的丰功伟绩,弘扬民族伟大的抗战精神,在今天仍然具有十分重要的意义。


  The grand spirit of Anti-aggression is a vivid reflection of the Chinese people’s persistent solidarity. Upon the Japanese invasion, China’s sons and daughters, here or there, old or young, rich or poor, gather together with one mind and build up an insurmountable Great Wall in resistance, with their flesh and blood.

  “Indulge never in money and rank, apostatize never when in poverty and hardship, surrender never to power and force.” In times of national crisis, this formidable mettle and dauntless integrity prompt China’s sons and daughters to go through fire and water with the courage of despair, making the anti-Japanese war moving and praise-worthy.

  It is now the 60th anniversary of China’s anti-Japanese war and the world’s anti-fascism war. And it is still of great significance today for us to review the buskined history of fire and blood, to recall the great feats of the gallant martyrs, and to carry forward our nation’s infinite morale of anti-aggression.

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