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来源:考试网   2016-09-26【

  Translation Improvement(20 points, 2 points for each)Directions: Each of the following translations has one or more inadequacies.Improve the given translations.

  A. Example:原文:He asked after you.译文:他在你之后发问。改译:他问起你的情况。

  36.原文:By 1820, it was standard to bring workers into a factory and have them overseen.译文:到1820年,标准方式已经是把工人雇到工厂里,使他们监督。

  37.原文:Many exciting and experimental things in theatre are also being done in university theatres and community centers.译文:许多令人兴奋的,在剧场里的实验性的东西,也在大学的剧场和社区中心上演。

  38.原文:Don't lose time in doing your homework.译文:别在做作业上浪费时间。

  39.原文:I discovered that more than desire and emotion were necessary to write, so I dropped the idea.译文:我发现,要写作,需要更大的愿望和更丰富的感情。于是,我放弃了写作的念头。

  40.原文:Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.

  译文:过了一会儿,有一个上了年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的母马,用一种拿不准的语 调嘟囔着甚么,迎面向他走来。

  41.原文:A friend exaggerates a man's virtue, an enemy his crimes.


  B.Example: 原文:展望二十一世纪,我们坚信前景将更加美好。 译文:Look into the 21st century, we are convinced that there lies an even brighter future. 改译:Looking into the 21st century, we are convinced that there lies an even brighter future.


  译文:In this way, I can render them better service and exchange feelings with them and also reduce their misunderstandings and conflicts with other passengers.

  43.原文:中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优良的历史文化传统。译文:In the prolonged course of China's development, it has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions.

  44.原文:科学技术是第一生产力。译文:Science and technology are a first productive force.

  45.原文:计划经济不等于社会主义,资本主义也有计划;市场经济不等于资本主义,社会主义也有市场。译文:A planned economy is not equivalent to socialism, there is planning under capitalism too; a market economy is not capitalism, there are markets under socialism too.


  Translation Improvement(20 points, 2 point for each)






  B.42.In this way, I can render them better service and be friends with them and also reduce their misunderstandings and conflicts with other passengers.

  43.In the prolonged course of its development, China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions.

  44.Science and technology are a primary productive force.

  45.A planned economy is not equivalent to socialism, because there is planning under capitalism too; a market economy is not capitalism, because there are markets under socialism too.

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