

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 商务英语(BEC中级)经典口语句型:入境手续


来源:考试网   2016-09-20【

  商务出差 入境手续

  Entry formality

  may I see your passport please.

  passport, fly ticket and identification card, please?

  what's the purpose of your visit?

  what's your purpose to Australia? what's your nationality? how long do you plan on stay? how long do you intend stay?how long you are going to stay? how long would you be stay?

  what's natural of your trip? are you on a nationalar visa or business visa?

  what's your occupation? what's top of business are you doing now?

  may I know where do you going to stay in New York? where are you stay?

  do you have a return ticket? may I have a look at your return ticket?

  how much money do you have?

  is any other person travelling with you?

  is any other country you are going to visit?

责编:xixi2580 评论 纠错


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