

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 商务英语(BEC中级)经典口语句型:拜访客户


来源:考试网   2016-09-20【

   商务出差 拜访客户

  Calling on the customers

  I want to pay you a visit, do you have spare time today?

  Are you available today?

  Can I see you on business?

  Do you mind if I calling you today?

  Are you busy or can I come over?

  When will be a good time for me pay you a visit?

  Will it be convenient if I calling you at 6:00 this evening?

  Could you tell me how to get to Mr. James's office?

  Excuse me, is it the office of importer apartment, I am from BBS trade company, here is my card, I have a appointment to see Mr. James.

  I come to see Mr. James.

  I am here to see Mr. James.

  Could you please tell Mr. James I am here.

责编:xixi2580 评论 纠错


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