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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2016年10月13日 ]

  1、(2016•济南)-Mike,what club do you want to join?

  -Well,I want to join the club.I love painting.(  )

  A.chess B.sports C.art D.English



  【解答】答案:C 根据其后的"I love painting."(我喜欢绘画),可知我是对美术方面感兴趣的.故我想参加的是美术俱乐部.chess棋;sports运动;art美术;English英语.故选C

  2、(2016•济南)-Excuse me.Is there a near here?I want to buy some drinks.

  -Yes.Go along the street,and it's on your left.(  )

  A.zoo B.school

  C.supermarket D.museum




  【解答】答案:C;zoo动物园;school学校;supermarket超市;museum博物馆;根据句中信息I want to buy some drinks.推测上句句意:这附近有超市吗?故选C.

  3、-Is this photo taken in Tibet?

  -Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountain in the of the photo.(  )

  A.form B.background

  C.shape D.introduction



  【解答】该题考查名词的辨析;form,表格; 方式; 形状,形式; 外形;background,背景; 底色; 背景资料; 配乐;shape,形状; 模型; 状态; 身材;introduction,介绍; 引言,导言;根据句中的snow mountain和the photo,可知此处应指的是“在照片的背景里能看见美丽的雪山”可知应用background;故选B.

  4、I think Zhou Xun is one of the best .I like her movies very much.(  )

  A.doctors B.players C.actresses



  【解答】该题考查名词的不同用法;doctor医生;B.player运动员;C.actresse演员;根据后面的句子“I like her movies very much.”(我非常喜欢她的电影)可以推测出,她是演员;故选C

  5、Could you please take my picture?Here is my _________.(  )

  A.printer B.radio C.player D.camera



  【解答】该题考查名词的辨析;printer,打印机; 印刷机; radio,收音机;player,演奏者;演员;播放器;camera,照相机;根据上句信息,“你可以给我照张照片吗”可知该句中指的应该是照相机;故选D.

  6、When the monkrys see the keepers,they run over with__ ______.(  )

  A.excited B.exciting C.excitement




  excited兴奋的,激动的,形容词,修饰人;exciting令人兴奋的,形容词,修饰物;excitement兴奋,刺激,名词;猴子看到了饲养员,当然是兴奋的,run over with洋溢着,充满,后跟名词,不能跟形容词,故选C.

  7、He has a collection of _____.He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters.(  )

  A.stamps B.novels

  C.instruments D.magazines



  【解答】答案:A;stamp邮票;novel小说;instrument仪器; 乐器;magazine杂志;根据后面的句子信息use them to mail letters推测上句中指的是邮票;故选A.

  8、In 1998,Liu Xiang's ______ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Haiping.(  )

  A.ability B.trade

  C.electricity D.memory




  根据选项的意思ability"能力";trade"贸易,交易";electricity"电,电力";memory"记忆"结合语境In 1998,Liu Xiang's ______ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Haiping可推知是刘翔在跨栏上的能力受到孙海平的注意,故选A.

  9、There is a______ on the desk.(  )

  A.cups B.book C.rulers



  【解答】答案:B 根据There is a中的is和a,可知其后的名词应该为单数形式.cups杯子(复数);book书(单数);rulers尺子(复数).故选B.

  10、-More and more people come to visit Jingzhou Ancient City.

  -That’s true.It has become the of Jingzhou(  )

  A.effort B.praise C.courage D.pride



  【解答】答案:D effort“努力”;praise“赞扬”;courage“勇气”;pride“骄傲”.根据More and more people come to visit Jingzhou Ancient City.可知是:成了荆州的骄傲.故选D

  11、-I’m hungry.May I have something to eat?

  -OK.Here’s some ________.(  )

  A.orange B.bread C.water D.milk



  【解答】答案:B orange橙汁,不可数名词/桔子,可数名词;bread面包,不可数名词;water水,不可数名词;milk牛奶,不可数名词.根据May I have something to eat?我可以吃点东西吗?OK.可以.可知应该是吃的东西.故排除C,D,A(橙汁,不可数名词).根据Here’s some ________.some+可数名词复数,应该是some oranges才对,故排除A,可知此处的名词,只能是不可数名词bread,故选:B.

  12、Turn down the music.It hurts my ______.(  )

  A.nose B.eyes C.ears




  13、---Could you tell me the_______of making such tasty cakes?

  ---Well,I just follow the instructions in the cookbook.(  )

  A.time B.method C.cost D.menu



  【解答】time,时间;method,方法;cost,花费;menu,菜单; 菜,菜肴;根据句中信息“making such tasty cakes”和“follow the instructions in the cookbook”可知,该空应该填“方法,method”;故选B.

  14、Annie has a ___________,and she is going to see her dentist today.(  )

  A.cold B.fever C.cough D.toothache




  cold感冒;fever发烧;cough咳嗽;toothache牙疼;根据she is going to see her dentist today可知她牙疼,have a toothache牙疼,故选D.

  15、Jeff will come to understand you one day.It’s a matter of ____(  )

  A.pleasure B.value C.time



  【解答】答案:C;pleasure愉快; 娱乐;value价值,价格;time时间;根据句中信息Jeff will come to understand you one dayJeff总有一天会理解你,推测下句句意:它只是一个时间(长短)的问题.故选C.

  16、Jack likes watching _______.He can find out what’s going on around the world.(  )

  A.news B.comedies

  C.talent shows D.soap operas



  【解答】答案:A 根据“He can find out what’s going on around the world.”可知Jack喜欢的电视节目是可以帮助Jack了解世界上发生的事情.可知此节目为新闻.news新闻;comedies喜剧;talent shows才艺表演;soap operas肥皂剧.故选A.

  17、I’m a little hungry now.I only drank some __________ before I came to school.(  )

  A.bread B.milk C.banana D.noodle



  【解答】答案:B 根据drank喝(drink的过去式),可知其后的名词是可以喝的东西.bread面包(吃的);milk牛奶(喝的);banana香蕉(吃的);noodle面条(吃的).故选B

  18、---We have missed the last bus.What shall we do?

  ---Let's take a taxi.We have no other ________now.(  )

  A.reason B..habit C.choice




  【解答】答案:C;根据题干We have missed the last bus和Let's take a taxi,推测本句的意思是“恐怕我们除了乘出租车没有别的选择”;Have no choice but to do sth,是固定结构,除了做什么别无选择;“选择”是choice.advice“建议”,reason“原因”.故选D.

  19、Sun Nan got tons of ____ as soon as he announced that he would stop competing during I Am a Singer.(  )

  A.joy B.pressure C.attention




  20、You are supposed to be more careful to make fewer while you are writing.(  )

  A.trouble B.matter C.mistakes D.problems





  21、-I am afraid to ask questions because of my poor________.

  -You’d better practice speaking more.(  )

  A.introduction B.inspiration

  C.pronunciation D.Information




  【解答】答案:C;A.introduction 介绍;B.inspiration灵感; 吸气;C.pronunciation 发音; C.information 信息;根据答语You’d better practice speaking more你最好多练习说(英语),推知上句句意:因为我的发音不好,所以我害怕问问题.故选B.

  22、-Would you like something to drink?--Yes,_____,please!(  )

  A.apples B.tomatoes C.beef D.coffee




  【解答】答案:D;apple苹果;tomato西红柿;beef牛肉;coffee咖啡;根据问句Would you like something to drink可知答语应是可以喝的东西;故选D.

  23、You must go to the ________ if you want to buy vegetables.(  )

  A.supermarket B.library

  C.theatre D.bookshop



  【解答】答案:A;supermarket超市;library图书馆;theatre电影院;bookshop书店;根据句中信息if you want to buy vegetables,推测应去超市;故选A

  24、The car was out of ______________and hit a tree by the road.(  )

  A.danger B.breath C.control D.practice




  out of danger脱离危险;out of breath喘不过气来;out of control失去控制;out of practice久不练习;根据后半句hit a tree by the road可知是小汽车失去了控制,故选C

  25、--Finding information is not a big deal today..

  ---Well,the ______is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not.(  )

  A.courage B.message C.challenge D.knowledge





  courage勇气;message消息;challenge挑战;knowledge知识;根据how we can tell whether the information is useful or not可知怎样辨别这些信息是否有用才是挑战,所以要用“挑战”一词对应,故选C.

  26、We can see many ________ on the hill in the picture.(  )

  A.sheeps B.sheep C.Horse





  27、-I’ll go to New York for my summer vacation,Jenny.

  -It’s a good______.Have a good time!(  )

  A.exercise B.offer C.promise D.idea




  【解答】答案:D;考查名词词义辨析.exercise锻炼,练习;offer提议,出价;promise 诺言,承诺;idea 主意.结合上下文I’ll go to New York for my summer vacation和Have a good time,判断此处表示“这是一个好主意”故选D.

  28、Tom will be able to find the hotel,he has a pretty good ______ of direction.(  )

  A.idea B.feeling C.experience D.sense



  【解答】答案:D;idea主意;想法;feeling感觉;情绪;experience经历;体验;sense感觉;识别力;根据上句Tom will be able to find the hotel.推测下句句意:他有极好的方向感;D符合题意;故选D.

  29、Which word goes with the sound?(  )

  A.fun B.found C.fan D.phone



  【解答】答案:C;fun乐趣,娱乐活动,名词;found找到;发现 (find的过去式),动词;fan风扇,名词;phone电话,名词;根据句意Which word goes with the sound哪一个单词伴随着声音,因为风扇转动是伴随着声音的,可知选项C符合题意;故选C.

  30、I had some ________,vegetables and two eggs for dinner.(  )

  A.rice B.noodle C.banana




  31、-Where are you going to spend your summer holiday,Jenny?

  -I haven’t made a yet.I’m going to talk about it with my family tomorrow.(  )

  A.decision B.promise C.journey D.suggestion




  【解答】答案:A;decision决定;promise许诺;journey旅行;suggestion建议;根据答语信息I’m going to talk about it with my family tomorrow我明天要和我的家人讨论这个问题;推测上句句意:我还没有做出决定;make a decision做出决定.故选A.

  32、--______ are you in?

  --I am in Class One.(  )

  A.Which school B.What class

  C.Which grade



  【解答】答案:B 根据答句中in Class One,可知回答的是班级.故问句中也应该是问班级.which school哪个学校(问的是学校);what class什么班级(询问的是班级);which grade哪个年级(问的是年级).故选B.

  33、After reading the novel Treasure Island,Paul has more than before because of the

  main character,brave Jim.(  )

  A.humour B.wealth C.luck D.courage



  【解答】答案:D 根据原因“the main character,brave Jim.”中的brave(勇敢的),可知主角的勇敢让我的勇气比以前更多了.humour幽默;wealth财富;luck运气;courage勇气.故选D.

  34、I am hungry.I’d like to have some ______.(  )

  A.rice B.sandwich C.dumpling D.egg





  35、---A study shows that good habits play a very important _________ in children’s education.

  ---I think so.(  )

  A.sense B.part C.reason D.meaning





  sense感觉;part部分;reason原因;meaning含义;play a part起…作用,扮演角色,起…作用,固定短语,符合句意,故选B.

  36、The __________ is the best place to chat and watch TV.(  )

  A.bedroom B.dining room

  C.living room. D.bathroom




  bedroom卧室;dining room餐厅;living room客厅;bathroom浴室;根据the best place to chat and watch TV可知living room是最好的选择,故选C.

  37、--Would you like something to drink?

  --Yes,please.I’d like some ______.(  )

  A.beef B.juice C.fish D.bread





  beef牛肉;juice果汁;fish鱼;bread面包;根据something to drink可知要选喝的东西,其他三项皆为吃的东西,故选B

  38、On September 3there will be some in China to celebrate the 70-year victory of the Anti-Japanese War.(  )

  A.actions B.projects C.traditions D.activities





  39、-Why are you so unhappy?

  -I have to do much______every day.(  )

  A.homework B.exercises C.sports




  【解答】答案:A 根据much,可知其后需要不可数名词.homework作业(不可数名词);exercises练习(可数名词);sports运动(可数名词).故选A.

  40、--What can you see on the farm?

  --There are many __________ on the farm.(  )

  A.pig B.sheep C.horse D.sheeps




  【解答】答案:B 根据many,可知其后需要可数名词的复数形式.pig猪(可数名词单数);sheep羊(可数名词单数或复数);horse马(可数名词单数);sheeps错误选项,sheep的复数还是sheep故选B.

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