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中华考试网   2016-11-23   【

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.

  I agree

  1. Taking courses regularly helps teachers to update their academic knowledge.(知识是不断更新迭代的,需要不断学习去了解最新的知识,这样可以给学生传递更多新的信息)

  2. Taking courses regularly helps teachers to improve their teaching skills.(向其他优秀老师休息教学法和教学经验,可以提升自己的授课质量)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  People living in small towns or villages are more satisfied with their lives than those living in big cities.

  I agree

  1. People living in small villages can enjoy a better environment. (工厂少汽车少,污染物排放少,环境更好,有助于人们的健康)

  2. Life in small villages is less stressful. (乡村竞争不激烈,物价水平也不高,比起城市压力更小)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are today.

  I disagree

  1. More people have access to higher education and thus are aware of the importance of improving their neighborhoods. (人们接受高等教育后素质得到很大的提高,能够理解自己是社区的一份子,应该为社区做出一份贡献)

  2. The Internet provides adequate useful information for people to know how to improve their neighborhoods. (网上会有很多世界各地人们改善社区的例子,会给现在的人们带来灵感和动力)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.

  I agree

  1. Students spent more time with teachers in the past.(过去学生少,而且学习科目少,往往一个老师带几个学生,过去学生花更多的时间跟老师在一起)

  2. The teachers were the only source of knowledge in the past.(现在有更多的资料,学生可以参考书籍甚至互联网)



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