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中华考试网   2016-08-22   【


Topic 议题:the reasons why Angkor was destroyed
  Reading Listening
Thesis 总论点 The reading points out three reasons why Angkor was destroyed. Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.
Sub-point 1 分论点1 The first reason is that Angkor was damaged during invasion by others. There’s no recording about such invasion as mentioned in the reading passage.
Sub-point2 分论点2 The second reason attributes to religious disputes. The religion in Angkor kept changing, which had never caused population reduced.
Sub-point 3 分论点3 The third hypothesis states that large scale of drought may be to blame Severe drought had happened before, none of which led to the decline of population.

  2016年8月21日托福综合写作范文Sample answer:

  The reading and listening discuss about the reasons why Angkor was destroyed. The reading points out three hypotheses. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three points presented in the passage.

  Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s first point that Angkor, which was quite affluent then, was damaged during invasion by others. The professor claims that there’s no recording about such invasion as mentioned in the reading passage.

  According to the reading material, the second reason attributes to religious disputes. The religion of God King gave way to the Buddhism, which results in Angkor’s disappearing. The professor mentions that the religion in Angkor kept changing, which had never caused population reduced.

  At last, the third hypothesis of the reading states that large scale of drought may be to blame. However, the professor explains that severe drought had happened before, none of which led to the decline of population.


作文题目: Some believes that spending more time be far away from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of relationship of people we care about, while others think being away from people we care about can damage our relationships with them.
题型类别: 利弊类
写作思路: 题干比较长,首先同学们一定要仔细审题。题目的意思可以归纳为,想要促进我们与所在乎的人之间的关系,花很多时间being away好?还是尽可能多陪陪他们好?
大家可以通过利弊分析的方式,列举being away的好处,或者说明always get together 有什么弊端;反之亦然。 大家也可以通过拆分的方式,将 the people we care about进行分类说明。例如与父母之间,与好朋友之间,情侣之间,与孩子之间等。
写作指导: Main point: Can damage our relationship
The demerits of staying away from the one we mind overshadow its merits.
通过远离我们在意的人这种方式增加彼此的感情风险较大。我们现在不是“我住长江头,君住长江尾;日日思君不见君,共饮长江水” 的古代了
(I live upstream and you
Downstream by River Blue.
Day after day of you I think,
But you are not in view,
Although as one we drink
The Water clear of River Blue.)
大家都是非常现实的。在这个猛刷存在感的时代,通过远离的方式,给了对方很大的时间和空间去结交新的朋友。例如《了不起的盖茨比》(Great Gatsby )中, Daisy在Gatsby离开的那段时间嫁人了。
The way used to strengthen the relationship between each other varies.
要增进彼此之间的感情的方式有很多,不需要采取远离他人的方式。奥古斯特·罗丹(Augeuste Rodin)曾经说过,世界上并不缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。我们增进朋友之间的关系,可以通过生活中的小善举,小惊喜感动到对方,也是可以达到一样的目的。所以,促进关系不是靠距离的长短,而是靠用心的经营~


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