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中华考试网   2017-04-30   【


  § 客厅

  § This is the subject of the movie’s parlor scene, in which Harry sticks his face into Snape’s brainto see his thoughts and finds that Snape had the hots for the boy wizard’s mom.


  § 拱廊

  § No matter how much you think you know about the varied and nuanced spectrum of humansexuality, you realize you don’t know squat until you work in a porn store with a vibrant and active arcade.


  § involve

  § 包含

  § This aspect and its parent, Tracing, contain all the tracing implementation logic, but noinformation about what should be traced.


  § 单独的, 个别的

  § At this scope, the process not only affects all of the individuals, it process dominates thepersonal processes of the individual developers.


  § let

  § 允许

  § Do not permit the child to make undue noise, get out of the chair, or run around the restaurant because it is not safe and is unfair to other customers.


  § 活动电影放映机

  § Although Edison and Dickson made a great contribution to the development of the motion pictures, there was one big problem with the Kinetoscope .


  § 连续的

  § Versioning does not obsolete the service development life cycle, but it enables the life cycle toplay out over successive generations.


  § 模型

  § This not only provides you with another form of visualization, it also uses a formal, technical model underneath.


  § 留声机

  § American inventor Thomas Edison, who was considered the father of sound recording,developed the phonograph in 1877, the first device to record music in the world.


  § easily

  § 容易地

  § Blood also rushes into the clitoris, and it too greatly increases in size, but, these researchersfound, there is no concentrated venous plexus, so the blood flows out more readily.


  § help

  § 协助

  § The government should move swiftly to close these facilities, investigate those running them,and provide assistance to those abused in them.


  § buy

  § 购买

  § Since consumers have no control over publication content or advertisements, they maypurchase a publication that contains at least some content and advertisements that may be ofno interest to them



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