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中华考试网   2015-04-23   【

  说说曾做过的 一个school assignment.

  I was assigned to write a part of the customer analysis report when I did my first intern in a finance company in 2006. I was supposed to design a survey to interview the customers to get the profiles and dig out their potential demands. Honestly, I was frustrated and over-stressed because I was majored in computer science in college and I was not quite sure if I could manage that. The way I figured out was to ask one of the senior team co-workers for help, which I barely did in my life actually. It was lucky that he gave me a lot of practical advice and recommended me a reading list which was helpful for that survey. And when I finally saw the “mission-completed”, Iwas a little proud of myself because I did something that I had never done before. And I am happy that I was part of the solution but not part of the problem instead.



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