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来源:华课网校   2017-05-08【




  Paragraph 1: "Please, please tell your readers they cannot come to see the squid unless they book," pleaded one.即只有预订的参观者才能看到巨鱿。选项D的意思是只有预订的参观者才能进博物馆,这是干扰选项。



  Paragraph 3: The rest had to do without—and judging from the looks of museum staff, this news often went down badly. Without后面的意思补充完整就是"without seeing the 30ft behemoth"。



  Paragraph 4: The intensity of the public's response to Archie's arrival has been extraordinary….


  Off/near Falkland Islands


  Paragraph 5: …the news that the most complete giant squid ever found (off the Falkland Islands)…

  (5)正确答案:Planet Earth

  答案解析:Paragraph 5: …BBC1's latest David Attenborough extravaganza, Planet Earth, tonight.


  答案解析: Paragraph 4: …and the reverence we feel for our fellow creatures. 此处按照问题“How could we describe the feeling…”要求,应使用形容词,故将名词reverence改为形容词reverent。Paragraph 5: We are becoming ever more besotted with animals, it appears. Paragraph 7: We have always been intrigued with wildlife, of course….

  (7)正确答案:habitat destroyed/climate change

  答案解析:Paragraph 7: …we are killing off other species at an equivalent rate because of habitat destruction and climate change.

  (8)正确答案:world's smallest vertebrate/a species of fish/Paedocypris progenetica

  答案解析:Paragraph 9: …and the world's smallest vertebrate, a species of fish called Paedocypris progenetica. This last wonder, a mere 8mln long, is smaller than a fly and was discovered on Sumatra by an international team that included museum researcher Ralf Britz. 句子中This last wonder即指前面的Paedocypris progenetica。

  (9)正确答案:20 days

  答案解析:Paragraph 10: But for every day you spend in the field looking for new animals, you have to spend 20 studying what you bring back and work out its relationships with other creatures.

  (10)正确答案:gold standard/basic data

  答案解析:Paragraph 11: These specimens are the gold standards of the animal world and provide the basic data that have allowed scientists to unravel the history of natural selection on Earth.


  答案解析:Paragraph 12: But how long he will retain his number one billing, it is hard to say.

  (12)正确答案:great media attention

  答案解析:Paragraph 12: …contains a 4ft fish: a coelacanth, once thought to have become extinct millions of years ago but discovered—to great media attention—in the Indian Ocean in 1938.



  答案解析:Paragraph 1: …and no other theory can match its description of how light and particles behave on small scales.


  答案解析:Paragraph 2: But it can also be mind-bending.


  答案解析:Paragraph 3: scientists are…trying to harness quantum's bizarre properties to advance technology, …

  (4)正确答案:ultraviolet catastrophe

  答案解析:Paragraph 4: Previous theories allowed atoms to vibrate at any frequency, leading to incorrect predictions that they could radiate infinite amounts of energy-a problem known as the ultraviolet catastrophe. 注意不要被问题和原文里lead to的使用所误导,问题所在的句子主语是atomic energy,而原文中动词短语lead to的主语是previous theories。

  (5)正确答案:photoelectric effect

  答案解析:Paragraph 5: Then, in 1905, Einstein cracked the mystery of the photoelectric effect, whereby light falling on metal releases electrons of specific energies. The existing theory of light as waves failed to explain the effect, but Einstein provided a neat solution by suggesting…

  (6)正确答案:(the) act of measurement, one's observation/what we observe

  答案解析:Paragraph 6: In his "Copenhagen interpretation", Bohr argued that the very act of measurement affects what we observe.

  (7)正确答案:Heisenberg uncertainty principle

  答案解析:Paragraph 10: Bohr defeated Einstein in a series of thought experiments in the 1920s and 1930s using this principle,…这里的this principle指的是上一段的Heisenberg uncertainty principle。


  答案解析:Paragraph 11: Entanglement is the idea that in the quantum world, objects…They become linked, or entangled,…代词They指quantum objects。

  (9)正确答案:finance/money transfer/computer network

  答案解析:Paragraph 14: In April 2004, Austrian financial institutions performed the first money transfer encrypted by quantum keys, and in June, the first encrypted computer network with more than two nodes was set up across 10 kilometres in Cambridge,Massachusetts, US.

  (10)正确答案:Maximise particles' signal/distance travelled

  答案解析:Paragraph 15: But keeping quantum particles entangled is a tricky business. Researchers are working on how to maximise the particles' signal and distance travelled.

  (11)正确答案:fast calculation

  答案解析:Paragraph 16: …they could be used to carry out many calculations at once, …compared to the years required by conventional computers.



  答案解析:这个表达方式也可参照本文第二段第一句话末尾的表达“…than previously thought”。


  答案解析:thank for是常见短语,表达因果关系。







  答案解析:on (onto) the scene是常见搭配。




  答案解析:空格后是名词,空格前是表达数量的hundreds of,此处需要一个能修饰限定名词的成分,应该是另一个名词或一个形容词。






  答案解析:从文章第一段结尾和第二段开头"…U.S. researchers reported Thursday.","Researchers at Harvard University…"可见进行此研究项目应该是多人组成的研究小组作的,所以此处选用led比较合适。




  答案解析:空格后足由并列连接词and连接的两个表达位置的短语in the forest canopy和in the more complex leaf litter on the forest floor,此处应选择能表达“两个都”意义的词。


  答案解析:整个一段是山and连接的两个并列分句,前半部分"These plants provided ants with new habitats",后半部分主要结构是"the herbivorous insects provided food for…",即植物为ants提供新的栖息地,而植食性昆虫(herbivorous insects)为其提供食物。




  答案解析:be widely used是常见表达方式。



  答案解析:at a rate的用法。


  答案解析:be related to的用法。

责编:Aimee 评论 纠错


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