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来源:考试网   2012-07-09【


1)环境总体概况 nvironment problem is geting more and more serious.We should do something to help our environment,otherwise it is late.

2)环境恶化事例 here are a pile of garbage near the river bank .you often see people spiting in public.although many garbage can should be provided in the community,there are many people neglecting the rules,they still throw away garbage everywhere.www.Examw.com

3)环保课程 here are many students having a lesson about environment. many teacher begin to teach students how to protect environment,and tell them how important a good environment is to us and to the whole world. there are some lecture about environment problem in primary school,and middle school and university or college school.

4)成人环保更应关注 e should teach adults,because adults neglect it more than student do.we should have a lecture in a cinema or in a hall, which enable them know about the significance of environment protection.

5)我们应该从我做起 e should protect environment by myself.for example,I can use less plastic bag or divide garbage into differents cans or taking bus or subway instead of taking a car.

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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