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来源:考试网   2012-07-09【


A:the pciture shows a woman who has already two girls is patting her abadomen and saying "I want to be a boy".
In china there is a traditional custom that they think if I get a boy,I get happy.自www.Examw.com
I think there are three reasons explaining the phenomenon.
first,if you have a son,when the son grow up and get married,the child whom he have can carry on the family name.
second,if you have a son,when the son get warried,his wife will come into your family.while if you have a daughter,you have to see your daughter going to husband's family.you feel very lonely.
third,in the countryside a man is equal to a labor force,he can help do some housework,such as carrying brick or working in the field,because man is very strong.
however,there are many problems in china.for example, if everyone all like son, most of population are man.when thses men reach married age,they don't look for companion.
of course,we will face other problem.
there are large of people in china. but in 1980 our country adopt many measure to control population growth,such as a-child policy.I think if we want to keep economy growth fast,We must carry on a-child policy.
B:I agree with you.but it is very difficult to carry on a-child policy,especially countryside.many people in the countryside hide fact there is a daughter in their family,their purpose only is to have a boy.I think our government should make a severe laws,and organize more people to countryside inspecting,if they find there are two chuldren in a family,they shouled be pubished severely by law.

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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