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来源:华课网校   2019-05-09【



  13.B 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. B

  23.C 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. B 32. C


  33. D 34. C 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. B 41. B 42. B

  43.A 44.D 45.C 46.B 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.C 51.A 52.C


  1. 你乘船旅行时,时间会发生奇妙的事情,因为地球分为24个时区,一小时为一个时区。

  2. 当她付了钢琴的钱以后,那位店员问她是否希望她每隔几个月给她的钢琴调音。

  3. 在常年结冰的北极和南极地区,他(狗)在主要被飞机和直升飞机代替之前曾经是主要的运输动力。

  4. 他们要为他们的广告所占的版面付给报纸数千美元的费用。但是这是值得的,因为他们的产品几乎进入了那个国家的每一个家庭。


  The value of Time

  As a popular saying goes,”Time is money.” In fact, time is more precious than money. When money is spent, you can earn it back if you want to. However, when time is gone, it will never come back.

  As the pace of modern life continues to accelerate, our time seems quite limited. But there are a lot of things to be done in our lives. We should make full use of our time to fulfill what is useful to us. As students we should devote most of our time to our studies. In this way we can acquire new knowledge and skills necessary for our future career.

  In my opinion, wasting time means wasting our valuable life. But many of us don„ t realize this . They think time is inexhaustible. But I‟m not in favor of such a view. I think we should never put off what can be done today until tomorrow.

责编:liumin2017 评论 纠错


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