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来源:中华考试网   2013-03-29   【

  You should say:

  Who they are

  How long they have been married

  How they live their lives

  And explain why you think they are happily married.

  Part 3

  A show/performance you watched

  What are the benefits of watching performance and art activity?

  What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to dance?

  Are traditional art forms performed very much in China? Give examples.

  A book you read recently

  Should children read more books or watch more TVs?

  What kind of books do children like reading?

  What are the benefits of reading for children?

  How should parents encourage children to read more books?

  Do you think people's reading habits have changed at all in the past few decades?

  TV program

  What kind of TV program are popular with adults?

  What kind of TV program are popular with children?

  How do TV programs influencechildren?

  Do you think parents should supervise what their children watch on TV?

  Compare the TV program nowadays and in the past?

  How has television affected or changed society?


  What are the cons of using Internet?

  Do old people access the internet very much?

  Do you think it is useful to encourage old people to use the internet?

  What are purpose of various kinds of people in using Internet?

  Is the internet used much in schools or colleges/universities?

  Do you think it is good to download the movies and songs from Internet,why?

  What is your idea of online shopping?

  In their free time, do families in China go out much together?

  A photo

  Why do people take photos?

  What is the function of the photo in newspaper?

  What is the effect of photo on our life in the future?

  How has modern science and technology changed photography?

  Do many Chinese people visit photograph exhibitions ?
