当前位置:中华考试网 >> 雅思考试 >> 雅思真题 >> 雅思口语 >> 2013年3月14日雅思口语真题及解析(网友回忆)


来源:中华考试网   2013-03-29   【

  Describe a game you enjoy (not sport).

  You should say:

  What game it is

  When you started to play it

  Who you usually play with

  And explain why you enjoy play it.

  Describe a meal or dish you like to eat.

  You should say:

  What it is

  Where you usually eat it

  What is special about the meal or dish

  And explain why you like to eat it.

  Describe a personality you learnt from a family member.

  You should say:

  How you describe the personality

  Who you learnt it from

  What is your relationship

  And explain who the family member influenced you.

  Describe a book you read recently that you would like to recommend to others

  You should say:

  What book it was

  What the book was about

  What you learnt from the book

  And explain why you would like to recommend it

  Describe a time when you were late.

  You should say:

  When you were late

  What happened

  What you were late for

  And explain what happened after that.

  Describe something you bought after watching an advertisement.

  You should say:

  What you bought

  What the advertisement was about

  When and where you watched it

  And explain how you felt about the thing you bought.
