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来源:中华考试网   2010-11-11   【
 Topic17. Describe a movie

  PART3:Do Chinese people enjoy seeing films?What type of movies do Chinese people like to see?Would you like to see films in the theater or at home? Do movies have any educational effects? Are cartoons only suitable for children to watch? What are the differences between seeing movies at the theater and at home? How have the movies for children changed in the past 10 years?相比而言,好的故事和好的演员,哪个重要?violence & sex电影对小孩来说有什么影响?电视节目内容是否该限制;

  Topic18. Describe a new law

  PART3:为什么有的人喜欢当警察(她说的是police officer)?你觉得为什么有的人喜欢当律师而不是警察?你觉得international law有什么作用?你觉得在未来世界各国会不会使用相同的法律,为什么?不同国家的法律有何不同?你觉得中国大多数人会遵守法律么?很多人觉得偶尔违反一下法律,一些小错误是ok的,你觉得呢? Do you think most people inChinaabide by the law? How successful do you think the laws are in your country? (successful in achieving the aim of the laws) Do you think it's important for peopleto obey laws?

  Topic19. an interesting job u heard or read

  PART3:Is some further discuss on that. Difficult to get a job? Which kind of employee the boss prefer? Does the school need help you to find job? What they can do

  Topic20. a gift

  PART3:people buy thing from where? Usually buy from internet in china? The quality of gift from internet? What do you think about charity? When do people send gift in china? Would people receive gift and give gift?

  Topic21. 高中最喜欢的科目

  PART3:What is your opinion of modern education (in school)? What school subjects do you think are most important (in primary school or high school)? (Why are they important?) What subject or subjects do you think will be most important in the future? What school subject do you think will be the most useful in adult life (or, most useful for society)? Which subjects do you think should be optional and which should be compulsory? In the west, high school students are allowed to choose the subjects they study. Do you think that would be a good idea inChina?

  Topic22. 成功人士

  Topic23. Describe an Chinese/Foreign artist

  PART3:What do you think is the most popular art forms inChina? Why do you think music form is popular comparing with painting? Is it useful for children to study art? How do they study? Does every student in school have to lean art and literature? What changes do you have when you studied art and literature in university?

  Topic24. 一种wild animal

  PART3:Do you like zoos? Why does each city have a zoo? What are the benefits of having a zoo in the city? What characteristics should a good zoo have? Why don’t some people like zoos? What will zoos be like in the future? Is it right for people to put animals in the zoos,

  isn’t this bad for them? How should the government maintain the operation of the zoos?

  Topic25. advice


  Topic26. 帮助别人的事

  PART3:What kind of help young people need? what kind of help old people need?你觉得青少年最应该去求助的是哪些人,父母还是老师,为什么?中国有很多人愿意给一些组织捐钱么

  Topic27. Describe a toy

  PART3:女孩子喜欢玩什么?男孩子呢?你觉得现在儿童的玩具是否太多?What do you think about the toys now? What are the popular toys nowadays in china? Do you think it is good for the parents to buy a lot of toys for their kids? Do you think children should be taught to share their toys with other kids?

  Topic28. 保持健康的方式

  PART3:人们通过什么途径学习到有关健康的知识?学校怎么教育学生保持健康?有没有教育学生健康饮食?政府如何提高国民的身体健康?现在有很多小孩子得了肥胖症,什么原因造成的?怎么样生活的健康呢?吃什么东西比较健康?lifestyle过去和现在有没有change?人们的diet有没有change?pace of life是不是变快了?stress是不是更大了?现在的lifestyle和diet应该怎么改变比较好?

  Topic29. Describe a piece of advertisement

  PART3:中国广告和外国广告的区别;广告在哪里出现;针对小孩看的广告好吗?电视上的广告你相信并购买吗?你对车子上听到的广告有什么感觉;广告是否重要;广告有哪几种媒介;哪些产品分别适用于哪种媒介,Why;Do you think it good to make advertisement aim at children;How to control this;(advertisement对于小孩有误导性么为什么对于男人女人有误导性么);男人女人在购物上的习惯有什么不同;花很多钱去购买收藏品是不是明智的决定呢;对于广告的播放是不是应该进行一些约束?

  Topic30. Describe a restaurant you like to go


  Topic31. 一件你朋友做的让你很崇拜他的事

  PART3:你认为children admire什么人?你认为people in different age admire的人有什么不同?你觉得学历在过去和现在的重要性有什么不同?你觉得是学历重要还是工作经验重要?有什么不同?你觉得现在的children是不是有很大的压力?

  Topic32. 讲一个传统故事

