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来源:中华考试网   2010-11-11   【
 PART 2&3


  Topic1. 一个你想参加的quiz show

  PART3:What kind people will attend it? Do the most people want to attend it? Do you think there'll be more quiz show on TV? Do you like this kind quiz show?

  Topic2. naughty thing you did in your childhood或者most impressive event in your childhood

  Topic3. Describe something you did to protect the environment

  Topic4. Describe a long journey

  Topic5. Describe a place with a lot of noise

  Topic6. Describe a clothes somebody bought for you

  PART3:where do people usually shop for clothes?do you think shopping online is good designer跟brand有关的问题:why people are so interested in designer's clothes?why designer's clothes are so expensive if you had money, do you prefer designer's brands

  Topic7. Describe a famous TV presenter(TV主持人)

  PART3:如何做好一个电视节目主持人?主持人和记者之间的区别?Do you think the presenters can tell jokes in programs?Whyyou like this program? What are the differences between news reporters and entertainment presenters? What are the skills they need? Can they show their own opinions?

  Topic8. Describe an occasion of being late

  PART3:迟到的接口都有哪些?你讨厌别人迟到吗?未来人们会更准时还是会迟到?迟到的后果有哪些?什么样的人更容易迟到?男人和女人相比谁更容易迟到?你在和客户或同学交往的过程中迟到的经历如何?有问现在的节奏是不是比以前快了天气和以前比有没有变化 那些先进电器好不好一个礼拜最好工作几个小时

  Topic9. an exciting sport

  PART3:你怎么看到危险游戏?政府是不是因该限制一下这些活动?什么样的运动节目能够在电视上看到?你的朋友或家人喜欢运动吗;看电视里的体育运动能exciting吗;长时间看电视节目是不是不利于身体健康?为什么人们喜欢危险的运动;这和他们的性格有关系么;政府做什么能减少危险;Should students do sports in school? How can sports be benefit for heath? How can sports help education? Some one is good at sports but bad educated, someone is well educated but cannot do sports well. Explain why and state your opinion?

  Topic10. Describe a teacher you want to meet again

  PART3:Is education important? (Why?) FQ (As above) What is the purpose of education? How do people inChinaconsider teaching, as a profession? What is the function of a teacher? (Hint: To help others to learn) (As above) Is teaching a good profession inChina? (Similar to above) How do students inChinaview teachers? (Similar to above) How do students inChinarelate to teachers?

  Topic11. Describe a piece of music

  PART3:What are the different meanings of different music? What is the difference between music which old people prefer and young children prefer? Why they like it? What is the difference between Chinese and western music? Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style? Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country? 你喜欢那种类型的音乐?为什么;小孩喜欢听什么,老人喜欢听什么,对年轻人和老人听的音乐比较;音乐公司是为了赚钱么;有没有真正为了梦想去的;为什么好多人想成为歌手;

  Topic12. 一个家用电器(不能是电视或电脑)

  PART3:What kind of electronic machine do people have in their home? How does it change people's life? Compare the ancient machine and modern machine; what machines will be like in the future? Do old people like to use them as young people do? Do you think people are forced to accept that electronic machine or have a chance to refuse it?机器与电子产品的区别;

  Topic13. Describe a hobby in your childhood

  PART3:Who have more time, students or workers? Who have more pressure, people who don't work or work? What is the difference of their free time? What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies?

  Topic14. Describe a new and exciting story

  Topic15. Describe the changes in your hometown

  PART3:What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village? Is there any new governmental policy? What is different in cities ofAustraliaand your country? Should people have the right to ask to change things they find uncomfortable in cities? What are the urgent needs of people in cities?

  Topic16. 现代建筑

  PART3:喜欢现代建筑还是古典的? (Do you like modern buildings or old buildings?)博物馆存在的意义;如果为了建现代的建筑而把以前的老建筑拆掉(Do you think it is right to demolish the old buildings in order to build the new ones?);建筑的外形很重要吗(It’s the shape of building important?)新老建筑的区别?( What are the differences between the modern buildings and old buildings?)你的家乡有什么现代的建筑(What kind of modern buildings does your hometown have?)地震对新老建筑的影响是什么(What are the influences of the earthquake on old buildings?)政府在建设上花的钱会不会太多了(Do you think the government has spent too much money on construction?);现代建筑和古代建筑你更喜欢哪个?为什么?你觉得有些古代建筑需要保存吗?你觉得建立政府建筑和吸引游客的建筑重要吗?
