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来源:中华考试网   2011-02-02   【

  Long-distance flight consumes the amount of fuel that a car uses in many years and pollutes the air. Some people think non-essential flights should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree
  Nowadays, as the world’s connection becomes more and more close, there are many chances for people to go to other countries. It’s obvious to see that flying is a quick and convenient way to get to our destination. But there is a problem arising: Long-distance flight consumes large amount of fuel and pollutes the air, should non-essential flights be banned or not? My answer to this question is definitely yes. (70words)
  语言方面:作者的英语水平(凭我的猜测)应该是可以的,但是写出来的句子总给我感觉怪怪的!比如there is a problem arising,应该是there arises a problem.但是从语法方面来说是没有错的,意思么我也能看懂。这应该就是传说中chinese english的最高境界吧。此外,It’s obvious to see也犯了相同的错误。Obvious本身就是easy to see的意思,这里应该不需要to see,否则就画蛇添足了!www.Examw.com
  Several reasons can be used to illustrate that,(应该是句号,而且这句话要么写在第1段最后,要么就不要写) firstly, people cause too many pollutions today which greatly affect our living environments. For example, in some highly-polluted cities we can see sunshine no longer and we can hear no chirps of birds. We can’t experience the beauty of nature just because we polluted it so heavily. There is no reason for us to aggravate this pollution by adopting so many flights. (70words)
  Secondly, since now(语言上是正确的,可是一般不会这么写,会造成歧义) the world’s resources become so scarce, we should try our best to limit the use of non-renewable resources and to exploit these resources which cause no pollution to environment. Now that Long-distance flight consumes the amount of fuel that a car uses in many years(不要照抄题目给的原文,给考官的印象很不好!), why we still use it so frequently? Besides, there is an advantage if we choose train or other ways instead of plane, because we can enjoy the wonderful scenery of passing places(这么说,总觉得不舒服), while on the plane we can see nothing but the sky.
  According to what I had said(应该是have said吧!), I have every reason to believe that it is not only necessary but also beneficial to ban non-essential flights.(256 words)
