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雅思美国口语教程:Daily Activities一

来源:中华考试网   2011-12-03   【

The doctor discovered that I’m over weight. 医生发现我有些超重(一般现在时)

Many people didn’t believe that the earth is the round. 很多人不相信地球是圆的(一般现在时)

The moon goes around the earth. 月亮绕着地球转(一般现在时)

What is a typical day for you?  一般你的一天是怎么度过的?

She is a typical Brooks.

What do you do everyday? 每天你都做什么?

What’s your daily activity? 你每天干什么?

Routine 日常的琐事,按部就班的事儿

What’s your daily routine? 你的一天是怎么过的?

I usually wake up at 6:30.  我通常六点半醒。

wake sb. up              把某人叫醒

I was woken up. 我被叫醒

My husband gets up later than I do.  我先生起床比我晚。
