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雅思美国口语教程:Age 年龄六

来源:中华考试网   2011-12-03   【

I’m two years older than you are. 我比你大两岁

I’ll no longer be his age. 我再也不可能象他那么大了

When I was your age, I used to be number one in the class. 我像你这么大的时候,经常在班里排第一名

We are of the same age. 我们是同龄人

We are of an age. 我们一样大

the aging problem         老龄化问题

My mother retired at the age of 55.  我妈妈五十五岁退休。

I entered school at the age of five. 我5岁的时候上的学

Grandfather is getting on in years.  爷爷一年比一年老了。

My grandfather is getting on in years. 我爷爷一年比一年老了

He is getting on in years. 他越来越老了

Joanna is in her sixties, but she is ageing well.


He is aging well. 他保养的很好

She is aging well.

The baby boomers are all grown-ups now.  婴儿潮出生的人们现在都成年了。

Generation 一代

baby boomer generation 婴儿潮年代(us)

generation X  60年代出生(us)

generation Y  75年之后出生(us)

I am too old to learn computer.  我岁数太大了,学不了电脑了。

Old dogs can not learn new tricks. 人岁数太大学不了新东西了

It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老
