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来源:网络    [ 2016年1月11日 ]  【


  题目:Honesty is the best policy


  Honesty is better than dishonesty. Firstly, honesty is one of traditional virtues of China. We should regard it as our motto. Secondly, honesty will bring not only happiness but also respect to you.

  On the contrary, dishonesty will cause many serious results. On one hand, your dishonesty will make other people distrust you. People begin to doubt your words and actions. It is a punishment to you. On the other hand, dishonesty dose harm to other people, even our country.

  In a word, honesty is the best policy. With the development of society, credit system will be founded. People will get benefit from their honesty. The society without honesty can’t develop stably and rapidly. We should abide our social law and regulation and contribute to our country.

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