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来源:考试网  [ 2017年11月8日 ]  【

  Part IV

  Cloze (10%) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet。

  The mysterious tiger has been a symbol of power and strength for centuries. Its power is a 56 to hunters, 57 have tried to kill it to prove their own skill and 58.In India 59 the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, large parties of 60 from around the world 61 go out on huge tiger hunts. Hundreds of tigers could be killed in a few weeks. As a 62 of this over-hunting, 63 with loss of habitat(栖息地),the population of tigers in India dropped from about 40,000 64 the turn of the twentieth century to about 2,000 by 1972.

  With the help of India and other concerned countries, the World Wildlife Fund 65 Operation Tiger in 1972 to save the tiger 66 dying out. Since then, seventeen tiger preserves(保护区)have been 67 ,and the tiger population in India has risen to 68 4,000 and 5,000.

  But when people live on the 69 of the tiger preserves, tigers sometimes kill their farm animals and attack people –about 600 people in India have been killed by tigers in the last dozen years.70 tigers do not eat humans. But“old, wounded and homeless”tigers can become habitual(习惯的) man-eaters. In one area in India, villagers have 71 a clever solution. They wire lifelike human dummies(假人) to electricity 72 the tigers get a(n) 73 shock when they attack. It is hoped that in this way tigers will learn to74people. But the conflict between human and tiger 75 .Only if people have enough food, shelter and fuel will the tiger survive in the long run. And only if the tiger and its forest survive will people have a natural world they can return to 。

  56. A. succession B. challenge C. guarantee D. intelligence


  空格处前面的Its 指代的是前面提及的“tiger”。老虎的power 对 猎手来说是一______。利用您的流利的中文,上面的中文句子您一定会从选项的意义中选择出准确的词语把句子通顺地完整的。结合我们的常识:猎杀老虎是猎手至高无上的荣耀!老虎对猎手来说是一挑战。答案是B。

  succession“继承”;guarantee “保证” intelligence“智慧”

  57. A. that B. which C. who D. those



  因为有逗号排除A选项;因为先行词是人,排除B选项;因为those不是连词,依据“连词个数= 谓语个数—1”可知,此处需要连词,排除D选项。

  58. A. bravery B. intention C. ambition D. harmony


  一网解题2:密切注意空格处前面的小词语:and 表并列关系。也就是说,我们得找一个词语与skill(技巧)并列,既然如此我们应该填入一褒义性质的词,猎杀老虎去证明猎手的技巧和_____。利用我们的常识,猎杀老虎不仅仅需要技巧,更需要bravery(勇气),答案是A。

  59. A. on B. throughout C. with D. for


  60. A. statesmen B. salesmen C. sportsmen D. chairmen



  61. A. had better B. would rather C. ought to D. used to

  选项中的词语都是所谓的高频词或高频结构,您一定不陌生。它们的共同点是都能够接动词原形。不过used to 后面还能够接动词的ing形式,表示“习惯做某事”;既然如此我们就把它当作重点考虑。

  原文讲述的是过去(19世纪到20世纪初)的事情,答案是D。used to do sth 过去常常做某事。

  62. A. result B. condition C. lack D. cause



  63. A. provided B. guided C. perceived D. combined



  Provide 提供;guide 指导;perceive感到,认识到

  64. A. with B. for C. at D. in


  At the turn of the twentieth century 在 世纪之交。

  65. A. fastened B. founded C. surveyed D. interfered

  关键词“with the help…”我们知道老虎的春天来了,老虎不能再killed了,换句话说,此处应该写保护老虎了。后面的中文注释“保护区”也明明白白告诉了你。

  世界野生动物保护协会_______老虎(这里的Operation Tiger 不好翻译,就造成了解题的难度,)。Fasten 填入句中,句意不通顺,排除;survey 的动作前面已经有了,这里没有必要再重复,排除;interfere 干涉是更加不可能的,排除。答案是B。

  世界野生动物保护协会found“创建”了Operation Tiger 这么一个组织。句意就合情合理了。经过以上的分析,您就放心大胆地填入B选项作为答案吧。

  同时我们从另外一个角度想,found 的用法特别,这也是出题人的意图:出题人认为您只是知道found是find的过去式,而不知道它的另外一个意思“创建”。


  66. A. through B. from C. away D. out

  空格处前面的关键词save 是您获取答案的关键。Save… from….拯救….免于。答案是B。

  67. A. set up B. stood up C. paid back D. hold back


  Stand up 站起来;pay back 偿还;hold back 阻挡。


  68. A. among B. through C. between D. from




  69. A. edge B. bake C. front D. center

  空格处前面的小词语:but,表转折关系。妈呀,这老虎又出事了!一目一行后面浏览一下,难得怪,老虎sometimes有时吃人了。还600余人被老虎killed。这家伙,可恶!老虎已经生活在保护区了,那么这些死鬼就应该是在保护区附近的人。答案是A。on the edge of….在….的边缘。

  70. A. Occasionally B. Usually C. Rarely D. Repeatedly



  Occasionally偶尔,rarely 很少地;repeatedly重复地,反复地

  71. A. looked up to B. passed by C. kept in touch with D. come up with



  Look up to 往上看——仰视,尊敬;pass by 经过,走过——逝去;keep in touch with 与…..保持联系;come up with 想出。

  72. A. as soon as B. so that C. as long as D. for fear that

  好办法就是:造一个假人通上电______当老虎攻击时就会得到shock。我们可以看出“造一个假人”的目的就是“当老虎攻击时就会得到shock”。答案是B(so that 以便,为了)。

  as soon as 一… 就 …;as long as只要; for fear that 以免,以防万一;

  73. A. delicate B. sensitive C. electric D. magnificent

  承上启下,前面的关键词“electricity电”,和“shock”,我们可知给假人通电,就是为了给老虎一个“点击 shock”。答案是C。

  Delicate 微妙的,精美的;sensitive 敏感的;magnificent壮丽的,宏伟的;

  74. A. protect B. attack C. avoid D. penetrate

  一 this way 用这种方法,指代的就是前面提到的“给假人通电,老虎就会得到电击”,这样一来,老虎自然而然“will learn”:人是不好吃的。

  Will learn to ______people。A选项protect 保护人们,当然不可能,排除;B选项attack 攻击人们,那么与前面的方法有悖,排除;D选项penetrate穿透人们,也是不能搭配,排除。答案是C“避免”。

  75. A. remains B. removes C. releases D. relieves



  remain 保持,仍然; remove 移动,开除; release 释放;relieve 减轻

  Part Ⅴ Translation

  Section A

  Directions:In this part, there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in the part of Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context。

  76.The study was means to examine how the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields caused by wireless phone signals。


  77.Experts said the results were interesting, but urged that they be understood with great care。


  78.Nor is electronic multitasking entirely new: We’ve been driving while listening to car radios since they became popular in the 1930s。


  79.Although multitasking kids may be better prepared in some ways for today’s fast-paced workplace, many scientists are positively alarmed by the trend。


  80.In Germany, nuclear power has been a repeatedly argued and widely felt issue for decades。


  Section B

  Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly。


  Earthquakewhich recently happened in Japanhad changed the surface of earth。


  Children underthe age of 13 should sit in the back sit。


  I never get upearly on Sunday。


  Child’scharacter greatly influenced by family environment。


  Since I left ina hurry, forgot to take my textbooks

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