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来源:考试网  [ 2017年11月8日 ]  【

  31. Some developed countries are trying to the serious problems resulting from the energy crisis。

  A. step up B. cope with C. cut off D. end up


  Step up 提高,加快;cope with 处理;cut off 切断; end up 结束,死亡。


  32. He is such a man who is always fault with other people。

  A. putting B. seeking C. finding D. looking for


  Find fault with sb 挑剔,抱怨。答案是C。其余词语不能与之构成短语。

  33. After the retired from office, Rogerspainting for a while, but soon lost interest。

  A. took up B. save up C. kept up D. drew up

  解题思路与32一样。Take up 从事。占用;save up 存钱;keep up 保持,继续;draw up 起草,定制。根据题意答案是A。

  34. fire, all exits must be kept clear。

  A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of


  In place of 代替;instead of 代替;in case of 以免,防止; in spite of 尽管

  A 与B选项排除;根据句子意思,答案是C。

  35.My parents will move back into town in a year or 。

  A. later B. after C. so D. about


  A year or so 一年左右。

  36. Dogs have a very good of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake。

  A. sense B. view C. means D. idea


  37. The house I grew up has been taken down and replaced by an office building。

  A. in it B. in what C. in that D. in which

  首先排除A选项,因为此题目需要连词(两个谓语grew、has been taken down,需要一个连词);排除C选项,介词后面不能接that,只能是which和whom;定语从句已经完整,选择关系副词(介词 + which= 关系副词),答案是D。

  主句是:the house has been taken down and replaced by.....;从句是I grew up。因为grew up 是一个不及物短语,也就是说,从句已经句意完整,于是选择关系副词。

  38. Tom has already given up theof smoking for the sake of health。

  A. custom B. habit C. hobby D. convention


  Custom(社会)风俗,习俗;habit (个人)习惯(不论好和坏);hobby个人好习惯;convention (正式书面语)惯例。

  Smoking 是个人的坏习惯。答案是B。

  39. Stephen Bullon is the only man in the village today that has survived the war。

  A. live B. lived C. alive D. active



  40. As she entered the room she could see big bright lights hung from the 。

  A. roof B. top C. ceiling D. height


  Roof (从屋外看到的)屋顶;ceiling(屋内的)屋顶;答案是C。

  41. Those experiments have laid a solid foundation for hisresearch in material science。

  A. far B. deep C. farther D. further


  根据解题技巧,我们可以锁定选项是C与D。Farther 是far 的比较级,只有far 的本来意义:时间或空间的距离远;Further 也是far 的比较级,但它有一个引申义“更进一步的/ 地”。句意是______的研究,很明显这是引申义。答案是D。

  42. The weather forecast says it is going to clear soon。

  A. up B. out C. over D. about


  请密切注意up soon 是一个固定短语,意思是“很快”;clear up 清理;所以这里的clear 是“晴朗的”意思,而不是与up 组成一起而构成“清理”之意义;答案是A。

  43. He will come to call on you the moment hehis work。

  A. will finish B. finishes C. finished D. to finish


  注意此题目中的the moment 是一个不像连词的连词,意为“一....就....”。根据“连词个数=谓语个数—1”,排除D选项,因为它是一非谓语;在条件从句中,从句用一般时态代替将来时,答案是B。

  44.such a good chance, how could she let it slip away?

  A. Having given B. Giving C. Having been given D. Give

  密切注意how 在此是一个特殊疑问词而不是一个连词,故而排除D选项,因为这里不能够再有谓语;



  45.Previous his departure, he addressed a letter to his。

  A. to B. of C. in D. from


  Previous to 在...之前。

  Part Ⅲ 一网支招:出题人试图在这里考察您十个有关的语言点,一般也不会重复,一目一行浏览原文,揣摩出出题人的“小九九”,那么您就成功了。

  Identification (10%) Directions:Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D。Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet。

  46. I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy that。


  D选项为答案。that 改为 it。

  that 是一远指代词,而前面的in front 告诉我们house就在眼前,说话者就是指着眼前的房子才说的。

  One 指同类中的一个,所指东西不在眼前;it 指的东西就在眼前。

  47. I Invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner, but neither of them came。

  A选项与后面的came 相吻合,说明是正确的;注意力集中在neither“两者都不....”选项上,因为它是一个有特殊用法的词语,而题目中出现了三者,故而得把neither改为none“三者或以上都不”。答案是D。

  48. You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting though you don’t mind taking the night train。


  Though 改为if。Mind 后面接动词的ing形式;

  49. Why not stay at home since that the road is so slippery after the heavy snow?

  Why not 后面接动词原型,正确;Since that 看上去挺别扭,当作重点,Since 和that 都是连词,依据“连词个数= 谓语个数—1”可知,这就是答案所在,把Since改为now ,所以now that“既然” 就是一个连词了。

  50. Look out! Don’t get too close to the house that roof is under repair。

  答案是C。That 改为whose。

  The house是先行词,定语从句是“roof is under repair”,从句句意已经完整,不能用that 引导;roof和house是属于关系,故而用whose引导。

  51. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from which their parents speak at home。


  从句接在介词from之后是一宾语从句,从句:their parents speak at home,句意不完整(speak 说某种语言时是及物动词),而which要求前面有所指代,但题目没有提供,故而错误,改为what。答案是C

  52. But for the help of my English teacher, I would not win the first prize in the English Writing Competition。

  睁开慧眼,揣摩出题人的出题意图:A选项的but for 难道没有给您足够的暗示信息吗?考察but for 的虚拟语气结构,至少您得把它作为重点。

  没有英语老师的帮助,我不会获得第一名。您瞧一瞧,这不是地地道道的不折不扣的“假设、虚拟”,且是对过去虚拟。那么would not win 就错误了,应该是would not have won。答案是C。是呀,出题人挖空心思总么也想考察您一点什么,不会随随便便,胡乱考您的,故而如果您能够准确地把握这点,您就会少走弯路,有的放矢,从而做到事半功倍。当作一项能力去培养!!

  53. Those brave army soldiers would rather die with their heads high than lived with their knees bent。


  本题目我们应该把重点放在would rather…..than….“宁愿….而不愿…”这个短语的特殊用法上。注意这个短语都得接动词原形。明白这点,答案就手到擒来了。C选项是lived,很明显是错误的,应该改为动词原形live。答案是C。

  这里接了两个with结构表伴随:with their heads high 伴随着高高扬起的头;with their knees bent 伴随着跪下膝盖。

  54. No sooner had Professor Smith begun to speak when some noise arose from the audience。


  原文中的no sooner 不知道能否给您足够的启示。把它当作重点去考虑吧。No sooner…..than….这个短语有两个语言点可以考察您:一是no sooner 放在句首,需要倒装结构,且是过去完成时的had 提前;二是接than,而非when。



  55. It is no good try to remember grammatical rules. You need to practice what you have learned。

  出题人意图:一是考察It is no good 这个短语;二是原文中的try 是一个动词原形,看上去相当别扭。明白任意一点,答案您就明白了。

  Is 后面没有机会接动词原形,动词原形是用来做谓语的而原文中又没有连词,可以判断错误就在B选项。换句话说,try 要求用它的非谓语。It is no good(没有好处)与 try 是同时发生,所以把try 改为trying。答案是B

  一网归纳:46小题:考察one、it、that 三个指示代词;47小题:考察both、neither、all、none 的特殊用法;48小题:考察连词;49小题:特殊疑问词与连词及连词的个数;50小题:考察定语从句的连接词(whose的从属关系);51小题:考察宾语从句的连接词(介词+关系代词=关系副词)及从句的完整;52小题:考察but for 短语的虚拟语气的特殊用法;53小题:would rather do sth than do sth ;54小题:倒装结构;55小题:非谓语。


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