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来源:考试网   2019-11-27   【

  卢沟桥(Lugou Bridge)亦作芦沟桥,在北京市西南约15千米处丰台区永定河上。因横跨卢沟河(即永定河)而得名,是北京市现存最古老的石造联拱桥。卢沟桥全长266.5米,宽7.5米,最宽处可达9.3米。有桥墩十座,共11个桥孔,整个桥身都是石体结构,关键部位均有银锭铁榫连接,为华北最长的古代石桥。1937年7月7日,日本帝国主义在此发动全面侵华战争。宛平城的中国驻军奋起抵抗,史称“卢沟桥事变”(亦称“七七事变”)。 中国抗日军队在卢沟桥打响了全面抗战的第一枪。


  Lugou Bridge is also known as the Lulu Bridge,located on the Yongding River in Fengtai Districtin ,which is about 15 kilometers away from the southwest of Beijing. It is so named because of crossing the Lugou River (known as the Yongding River),which is the oldest existing stone arch bridge in Beijing. Lugou bridge is 266.5 meters long, 7.5 meters wide and 9.3 meters wide at its widest point. There are ten piers and 11 piers in total. The whole bridge body is made of stone, and the key parts are all connected with silver ingot and iron tenon.It is the longest ancient stone bridge in north China. In July 7, 1937, Japanese imperialists launched a full-scale war against China. The Chinese garrison of Wan Ping City has risen to resist. It is known as the "Lugou Bridge incident" (also known as the "77 incident"). The Chinese Anti Japanese army fired the first shot in the war of resistance against Japan at Lugou Bridge.
