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来源:考试网   2011-02-14   【

  16. The newly?built Science Building seems ______ enough to last a hundred years.?
  A) spacious C) substantial?
  B) sophisticated D) steady
  17. He smiled again with an air of ______ contentment and said, “It’s the first time I’ve ever done what I wanted to do.”?
  A) supreme C) supplementary?
  B) superficial D) superior
  18. Nylon is a kind of ______ material widely used in our daily lives.?
  A) artificial C) combined?
  B) synthetic D) systematic
  19. Monica was______with me for further particulars.?
  A) curious C) urgent?
  B) eager D) hasty
  20. My grandfather was already over seventy, but he was still______and lively.?
  A) effective C) singular?
  B) organic D) vigorous
  16. C
  [注释]新建的科技楼看上去非常坚固,足可维持上百年。substantial坚固的,坚实的;A)spacious宽敞的;B) sophisticated老练的,圆滑的;复杂的;采用先进技术的, 需要专门操作技能的:a sophisticated girl一个老于世故的女孩子;sophisticated modern weapons复杂的现代武器;sophisticated new equipment新的尖端设备;D)steady稳定的。
  17. A
  [注释]他再次笑了,带着极度的满足说道:“这是我第一次做自己想做的事情。”supreme最高的,最大的,极度的;B)superficial表面的,肤浅的;C) supplementary补充的,增补的;D)superior (to ) (在位置、职位、质量等方面)较高的,上级的;(在数量上)较大的,优越的。
  18. B

  19. C
  [注释]莫尼卡硬要我再说说细节。urgent强求的,催促的:be urgent with sb.for sth.硬要某人作某事。
  A) curious 好奇的;B) eager渴望的,be eager to do sth.渴望作某事;be eager for (after,about) sth.渴求某事物;D) hasty①急速的;匆匆的:ate a hasty meal 匆匆地吃了一顿饭;②仓促的;草率的;急躁的:They shouldn’t have made such a hasty decision.他们本不该作出这样草率的决定。
  20. D
