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来源:考试网   2011-02-13   【

  11. ______ person favors thorough and complete reforms in social and political systems.?
  A) A radical C) A fundamental?
  B) An advanced D) A radiant
  12. It normally takes from five days to one week for a person to adapt to a(n) ______ routine of sleep and wakefulness, sleeping during the day and working at night.?
  A) irregular C) inverted?
  B) disorderly D) reversed
  13. We have to work even harder though we feel quite ______ our success.?
  A) secure of C) worried about?
  B) nervous about D) competent for
  14. Shoes are often ______ when they are new.?
  A) staff C) stiff?
  B) stuff D) stuffy
  15. ______ happenings proved that his plan was better than mine.?
  A) Subsequent C) Efficient?
  B) Eloquent D) Frequent
  11. A
  12. D
  [注释]通常一个人需要5天到一星期的时间才能适应颠倒的生活规律,白天睡觉。reversed相反的,倒过来的;A)irregular不规则的; B)disorderly杂乱的,无秩序的;C)inverted倒转的(指上下倒置、前后顺序颠倒)。
  13. A
  [注释]尽管我们对成功很有把握,但我们还是得更努力地工作。feel secure of对……确信或有把握;B)feel nervous about对……忐忑不安;C)feel worried about对……焦虑;D)feel competent for对……胜任。

  14. C
  [注释]新鞋都很硬。四个选项的词型十分相似,但词义完全不同。C)stiff坚硬的, 挺的, 不易弯曲的;僵硬[直]的; 不灵活的; 绷紧的, 拉紧的;拘谨的, 生硬的。如:stand straight and stiff直挺挺地站着不动;be stiff with cold冻僵。A)staff全体职员;B)stuff素材,原料;D)stuffy气闷的。
  15. A
