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来源:考试网   2011-02-12   【
  动词短语 专练(5)
  21. Her marked personality changes were ______ by a series of unlucky events.?
  A) carried on B) brought about?
  C) counted on D) made up
  22. Unfortunately, thousands of people were severely affected by the flu which ______ only a week ago.?
  A) burst into B) burst forth?
  C) burst out D) burned up
  23. The floor was so rotten that it almost ______ under their weight.?
  A) gave away B) gave over?
  C) gave way D) gave up
  24. Most foreign trading companies in west Africa ______ rubber, cocoa and vegetable oils.?
  A) deal with B) deal in?
  C) draw in D) draw up
  25. When she was very young, she was terribly frightened of school, but she soon ______ it.?
  A) got off B) got away?
  C) got across D) got over
  21. B
  [注释]她性格上的显著变化是由一系列的不幸事件引起的。bring about产生,引起:Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科学为我们生活带来很大变化。
  A)carry on 继续: We will carry on our conversation tomorrow. 我们明天继续谈。
  C)count on 依靠,指望:You can always count on me in need of help. 在你需要帮助的时候,你永远可以依靠我。
  D)make up①捏造,虚构(故事):He made up the story. 他编造了那个故事。②化妆:She made up her face. 她化妆了脸部。
  22. C
  不幸的是,成千上万的人感染上了一星期前爆发的流感。 burst out 突发:The war burst out. 战争爆发了。 burst out doing 突然(哭,笑等):They burst out laughing/crying. 他们突然大笑/大哭。
  A)burst into闯入;匆忙进入:He burst into the room. 他闯入了房间。She burst into tears/laughter. 她突然哭/笑了起来。
  D) burn up 烧尽,烧光:All the wood has been burnt up. 所有木材已经烧光。
  23. C
  地板腐烂得几乎不能承受住他们的重量。 give way 坍塌,毁坏。
  A)give away 暴露,泄露:She tried to hide her feelings, but the tears in her eyes gave her away. 她试图掩饰她的感情,但她的眼泪泄露了她的真情。
  B)give over交付,交出,让给:The keys were given over to our neighbors during our absence. 我们不在家时,门钥匙交给邻居保管。
  D)give up 放弃,戒掉:The doctor told him to give up smoking. 医生叫他戒烟。
  24. B
  B)deal in ,经营,做交易:This shop deals in woolen goods. 这家商店经营羊毛制品。
  A)deal with 应付,对待:Children are tiring to deal with. 应付小孩很累人。
  C)draw in 驶到路边,往路边靠:The bus drew in to let the cars pass. 公共汽车驶到路边让汽
  D)draw up 写,起草:He was assigned to draw up a plan for the project. 他被委派起草这项工程的计划。
  25. D
  get over 痊愈,恢复,淡忘:Sooner or later you’ll get over the shock. 迟早你会从惊恐中恢复过来的。
  A)get off 下车:They got off the bus and walked away. 他们下了公共汽车走了。
  B)get away 逃离(犯罪现场);离开:The thieves got away with all our money. 小偷带了我们所有的钱逃跑了。
  C)get across 使人了解或接受:Did your speech get across to the crowd? 你的演说听众明白了吗?