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来源:考试网   2011-02-12   【

  动词短语 专练(4)
  16. The manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to ______ the investment plan.?
  A) work out B) make out?C) put out D) bring out
  17. He had a little money ______ and intended to take a holiday.?
  A) put aside B) put away?C) put out D) put off
  18. The camera won’t work because the battery has ______.?
  A) run up B) run down?C) run over D) run off
  19. It’s an interesting old book but there’re a lot of words I can’t______.?
  A) pick out B) make out?
  C) fill out D) look out
  20. See if you can ______ mother ______ lending us the car tomorrow.
  A) talk …back B) talk …over?
  C) talk …into D) talk …on
  16. A
  经理问他的助理是否能制定出投资的计划。work out 计划,决定: work out details;
  B)make out 理解:I can’t make out what you mean. 我不懂你的意思。
  C)put out 熄灭,扑火:put out fire;
  D)bring out 生产出:bring out one’s fine qualities 显示出优良的品质。
  17. A
  put aside 储蓄,节省(金钱、时间等,通常为某特殊目的)。又如:I’ll put aside 5 minutes to talk to you.
  B)put away 放好,收起来:The teacher asked the students to put away their textbooks and looked at the blackboard. 老师让学生们收好课本看黑板。
  C)put out 熄灭,扑火;考试用书
  D)put off 推迟,延期:The meeting will be put off to the next week. 会议将推迟到下周召开。
  18. B
  run down(尤指钟或电池)失去动力而需旋紧发条或充电;以车辆撞倒或撞伤(人或动物);
  A) run up①=raise升起(旗子):They ran up the national flag in honour of the victory 他们升起国旗纪念胜利。②欠债: She ran up a large bill for all her new clothes. 她因买新衣服而欠了一大笔帐。
  B) run over 撞倒;碾过(压死);溢出;
  C) run off 让(液体)流出,请参看12题。
  19. B
  这是一本有趣的老书,但其中有许多字我都无法辨认。make out勉强辨认出;勉强了解:Can you make out what he’s trying to say? 你懂得他在说什么吗?
  A)pick out 选出:It took me a whole afternoon to pick out a suitable present for my mother’s 60th birthday. 我花了整整一下午的时间为我母亲的六十大寿挑选一个合适的礼物。
  C)fill out=fill in 填写,填好:Please fill in this form with your personal information. 请把你的个人信息填写在这张表格上。
  D) look out 留神,小心: Look out! The car is bound to move! 小心!那辆车要开动了!
  20. C
  talk…into 说服(某人)做(某事):My wife talked me into buying her a diamond ring. 我太太说服我
  买了一颗钻戒给她。 选项A)和D)中的搭配都不存在。选项B)中talk与 over搭配时,正确的表达法为talk over (with),如: Can I see you a moment? I’ve an important matter to talk over with you. 我可以见见你吗?有件要紧的事和你商量。
