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来源:考试网   2010-08-26   【

  57. Educators are finding that students who cheat __________.
  [A] have poor academic records
  [B] use the information in late years
  [C] can be academically weak or strong
  [D] are more likely to be punished than before
  58. What can be learned from the second paragraph?
  [A] A change in students' moral values will eliminate cheating.
  [B] Some students cheat for various reasons.
  [C] Students that are not pragmatic do not cheat on tests.
  [D] Punishment is an effective method of stopping cheating.
  59. Which of the following statements reflects the information in the passage?
  [A] The educational system partly contributes to the rise in cheating.
  [B] The student who cheats must be at fault because the system is correct.
  [C] The 1960s vision of changing the world led students to conform.
  [D] Punishment for cheaters has always been severe in this country.
  60. "the individuals" (Line 8, Para. 3) refers to "__________" .
  [A] students who practice cheating
  [B] parents who put pressure on their children
  [C] school administrators who approve of short-answer tests
  [D] teachers who are too hesitant to take actions against cheating
  61. Huber would probably agree with the point of view that __________.
  [A] students who cheat should be expelled from school
  [B] parents alone must take responsibility for the rise in student cheating
  [C] the educational system is sound, and students must follow every rule
  [D] the students would benefit from a thorough evaluation