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来源:考试网   2010-08-25   【

  62. What is said about reading speed in the first paragraph?
  [A] Poorly-educated adults tend to read slowly.
  [B] There is a difference in reading speed among all readers.
  [C] It's impossible that a scholar is a poor reader,
  [D] Reading speed is different only among the highly-educated.
  63. An efficient reader is a reader who __________.
  [A] concentrates on the key words only
  [B] changes his speed according to the kind of text
  [C] always reads slowly but carefully
  [D] changes his speed according to his liking for the book
  64. How does a good reader read a novel?
  [A] He carefully reads to get the details.
  [B] He concentrates on the significant passages.
  [C] He quickly reads the major part of the book.
  [D] He re-reads the book after getting the general meaning.
  65. The second paragraph infers that a reading speed __________.
  [A] too fast for difficult material is just right for a non-serious book
  [B] too slow for a non-serious book is also too slow for a difficult one
  [C] too slow for a non-serious book may be too fast for a difficult one
  [D] too slow for a difficult book is just right for a non-serious one
  66. In order to detect misprints in a sample print, a proofreader has to __________.
  [A] understand the text fully
  [B] have practice in efficiency
  [C] pay more attention to the meaning of the text
  [D] grasp the shape and order of letters and words as he reads