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来源:考试网   2014-03-12【

  6. The beginning sentence "Good teachers matter." can mainly be explained as which of the following?

  (A) Good teachers help students establish confidence.

  (B) Good teachers determine the personality of students.

  (C) Good teachers promote student achievement.

  (D) Good teachers treat students as their own children.

  7. According to the author, seniority pay favors ________.

  (A) good teachers' with master's degrees

  (B) young and effective teachers

  (C) experienced and effective teachers

  (D) mediocre teachers of average quality

  8. The expression "separate the wheat from the chaff in the teaching profession" is closest in meaning to ________.

  (A) distinguish better teachers from less capable ones

  (B) differentiate young teachers from old ones

  (C) tell the essential qualities of good teaching

  (D) reevaluate the role of senior teachers

  9. When the author uses the automobile industry as an example, she argues that ________.

  (A) Japan's auto industry is exceeding America's auto industry

  (B) the public schooling has stagnated because of competition

  (C) the current American education system is better than the Japanese one

  (D) competition must be introduced into the public education system

  10. Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?

  (A) Most average teachers want to leave school because of high pressure.

  (B) Excellent teachers often leave schools for better jobs.

  (C) The average quality of the teachers in America is declining.

  (D) Teachers' quality is closely related to a number of factors.


  6. C7. D8. A9. D10. A

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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