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来源:考试网   2020-08-06【

  1. 实现“一加一大于二”的效果 produce a multiplying effect on cooperation

  2. 扬帆远航,穿越惊涛骇浪 navigate rough seas

  3. 天下为公的情怀 an aspiration for the common good

  4. 胸怀大局 keep the big picture in mind

  5. 狭隘 narrow-minded6. 短视shortsighted

  7. 明辨是非 have a clear stand on what’s right and what’s wrong

  8. 风风雨雨 twists and turns9. “破冰” “Icebreakers”/ broke the ice

  10. 历经风雨 go through twists and turns11. 清一色 erase differences

  12. 百花纷呈/百花齐放 flourish13. 有识之士 People with vision / visonary people

  14. 重获新生 gain a new life

  15. 家喻户晓 make oneself a household name in

  16. 革故鼎新 discard the old and introduce the new

  17. 坐享其成 sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' work

  18. 安于现状 be satisfied with the status quo

  19. 贪图安逸 indulge oneself in ease and comfort

  20. 乐而忘忧 let delight dispel worries

  21. 以邻为壑 beggaring-thy-neighbor

  22. 妄自尊大 Put oneself on a pedestal

  23. 独善其身try to immune oneself from adverse developments

  24. 远隔万里 thousands of miles apart

  25. 焕发生机 brim with dynamism/vigor

  26. 历久弥新 stronger than ever

  27. 随波逐流 drift with the tide / drift along with others

  28. 坚如磐石 rock-solid

  29. 中流砥柱 a pillar of stability

  30. 弹指一挥间 no more than a split of a second

  31. 有唱响的,也有唱衰的 Some talk it up, but others talk it down

  32. 一个硬币的两面 the two sides of the same coin

  33. 隐约其辞/兜圈子/旁敲侧击 beat about the bush

  34. 空口/打白条 be no lip service

  35. 打破藩篱 breaking down barriers

  36. 大行其道 prevail

  37. 归根到底就是一句话 it all comes down to one thing

  38. 一副药方不可能包治百病 one does not expect a single prescription to cure all diseases

  39. 多予少取、先予后取、只予不取 giving more and taking less, giving before taking and giving without asking for return

  40. 走出阴影 emerge from the shadow of

  41. 不可限量 has great potential

  42. 前景广阔 has broad vistas

  43. 人数创历史新高 a record number of

  44. 创历史新高 make a new record

  45. 汇聚成江河 converge into a mighty river

  46. 设置过高门槛 set the bar too high

  47. 由易到难 start with the easier ones

  48. 主流 mainstream

  49. 别有用心 ill intention

  50. “以暴制暴” “fighting violence with violence”

  51. 标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes / address the root causes as well as the symptoms

  52. 指手画脚 point fingers at others

  53. 夷为废墟 be reduced to rubbles

  54. 甚嚣尘上 be on the rise55. 多管齐下 multi-pronged

  56. 当务之急 an urgent priority

  57. 日复一日 Day in and day out

  58. 沉默的羔羊 silent lambs

  59. 并非巧合 It was no coincidence that

  60. 因地制宜 tailored to local conditions

  61. 如约而至 never be absent

  62. 危言耸听 listen to the scaremongers

  63. 压倒性胜利 sweeping victory

  64. 罔顾事实 Nothing could be further from the truth

  65. 开局之年 the first year

  66. 重大转机 a major turnaround

  67. 全球瞩目 capture the world’s attention

  68. 抬头 rear its head

  69. 义不容辞的 duty-bound

  70. 天职 the bounden duty

  71. 主心骨 backbone

  72. 恩赐施舍、援助 hand-outs

  73. 陈规俗见 stereotypes

  74. 优胜劣汰 the fittest will survive

  75. 和而不同 harmony without uniformity

  76. “摸着石头过河” "crossing the river by feeling the stones"

责编:wzj123 评论 纠错


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