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来源:考试网   2016-09-19【

  61.The fifth weakness relates to the conditions under which foreign financial institutions operate in the Republic of China.



  62.The way in which this crisis will be resolved will therefore definitely affect the nature and future of international economic and political relations.


  64.It is not being reported in the press, but many Iraqi and foreign ships sailing from to Kuwaiti ports are being stopped and searched on the high seas or at nearby ports in order to ascertain that no violations of the sanctions are taking place.


  65.Work on the development of a common code and operating procedure for all personnel serviing under the UN flag should be brought to an early conclusion.


  66.But while the opportunities for cooperation have never been greater, the challenges to the international community posed by regional conflicts, humanitarian crisis and unresolved transnational problems have also never been greater.



  67.Frankly, ideas and goods will travel around the globe with or without our help.


  68.The American people were shocked by these events. We were greatly surprised to learn of our diminished economic and military strength; we were demoralized by the treatment of our hostages in Iran; and we were outraged by the harsh attacks on the United States in the United Nations.


  69.Everyone was optimistic, because everything had changed—it appeared for the better—since I first attended a session of the General Assembly at the height of the cold war back in the 1950s.


  70.We were all affected, positively and negatively, by developments beyond our borders.


  71.In the changing world today, with problems increasing both in number and in dimension, human society in general—and small countries in particular—are placing special hope on the United Nations.


  72.Special Economic Zones could become instrumental in stimulating such centers of excellence through favorable policies that would attract them to the Zones.


  73.It has been 16 years since I first stayed in this district of Beijing on my first visit when I stayed at the Friendship hotel.


  74.Since China has already undertaken the wise decision to invest the equivalent of one trillion US dollars into the infrastructural development of especially the inner regions during the next three years as a key component to overcome unemployment...


  75.We must also improve our capacity to act, to respond firmly and positively to events before they deteriorate into crises.


  76.We will consider the recommendations before we make amendments.


  77.The decision was taken only after the most serious consideration and careful weighing of the importance.


  78.Today many countries find themselves fighting internal wars as desperate and real as the traditional wars between nation states.


  79.No nations or group of nations can gain by pushing its claims beyond the limits that sustain world economic growth.


  80.Can we then tolerate such a blatant challenge for any extended period of time, especially in a region which is so highly sensitive, where the expectations for security and stability call for special consideration?


责编:ZCF 评论 纠错


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