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来源:考试网   2016-09-19【

  41.The summit meeting will make a positive contribution both to the noble cause of international peace and security, and to the development of better relations among the different members of the world community.


  42.The Secretary-General shall periodically submit reports to the General Assembly on the economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security.


  43.Men of vision and goodwill felt that the old international order of sovereign States which had characterized the nineteenth century was no longer adequate.


  44.We appeal once again to those countries to exercise restraint and to refrain from taking unilateral measures which could adversely affect current negotiations for the adoption of a comprehensive convention on the law of the sea.


  45.Both during the general debate and the First Committee, most delegations which referred to the regional approach considered it mainly within the context of specific proposals.



  46.Yet it is not difficult to see areas of mutual interest common to developed and developing countries alike.


  47.As far as the general social and economic policy of my country is concerned, I should like to quote from a statement I made in our Parliament on 15 March 1978.


  48.Human happiness, respect for man’s humanity and the safeguarding of human rights has been the clear goal of all civilizations and legislative systems since time immemorial.



  49.The commitment to the free market has found its most forceful expression in the decision of the ASEAN leaders to establish a Free Trade Area through a steady reunion and eventual removal of trade barriers within ASEAN.


  50.We should help in ways that are mutually beneficial to both developing and developed countries.


  51.But at the same time,many doubts have been raised as to the capacity of the UN system to cope.


  52.The economic freedom was provided by breaking up large concentration of power.


  53.Hence, democratization must be accompanied by sustained efforts to further the cause of human dignity and freedom.


  54.This has been a major engine of economic growth comparable to the earlier experiences of South Eastern Asian neighboring countries.


  55.Our foreign secretary on one occasion spelt out our objectives in terms of three quite simple principles which I think are still true.


  56.We should look for policies which help and do not harm our neighbors.


  57.Unlike other economies, we do not have the luxury of opening an exchange which will grow and change as the economy grows.


  58.I think that the history of economic development since the War demonstrates that those political systems which provide maximum freedom for the private sector and which have encouraged, rather than restricted, trade and development have done best.


  59.As in the past, so also in the future, Pakistan will extend its whole-hearted cooperation to all other states in common efforts aimed realizing the ideas that inspired the establishment of UN.


  60.The sanctions regime which the Security Council imposed on Iraq actually has no parallel in history of the United Nations.


责编:ZCF 评论 纠错


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