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来源:考试网   2020-10-19【



  * 拟个别调整刑事责任年龄If a juvenile who has reached the age of 12, but is under 14, commits intentional homicide or inflicts an injury that leads to death under flagrant circumstances, he or she shall bear criminal responsibility upon attestation and approval of the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP), according to the draft.草案规定,已满12周岁不满14周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害罪,致人死亡,情节恶劣的,经最高人民检察院核准,应当负刑事责任。

  草案规定,因不满16周岁不予刑事处罚的,责令他的家长或者监护人加以管教;在必要的时候,依法进行专门矫治教育(corrective education)。

  * 拟明确规定监护、收养等人员性侵犯罪The draft stipulates that guardians and those who adopt underage females aged between 14 and 16 shall be investigated for engaging in criminal sexual activity, regardless of whether the minors agree or not. Others targeted include those who have special duties of giving medical treatment to and educating the juveniles.草案规定,对负有监护、收养、看护、教育、医疗等特殊职责人员,与已满14周岁不满16周岁未成年女性发生性关系的,不论未成年人是否同意,都应追究刑事责任。


  草案规定,盗用、冒用他人身份,顶替他人取得的高等学历教育入学资格、公务员录用资格、就业安置待遇的(identity theft in college admission, public office qualification and employment),处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处罚金。



  请看相关报道:The guideline identifies and specifies several illegal acts, such as deliberately crashing a car to claim compensation, and their corresponding punishments.指导意见针对“碰瓷”手法多样的情况,进一步明确案件的定性和处罚。

  指导意见明确,Acts of fabricating facts, concealing truths and swindling compensation, that meet the relating provisions of the Criminal Law, shall be convicted and punished as the crime of fraud, according to the guideline.虚构事实、隐瞒真相,骗取赔偿,符合刑法有关规定的,以诈骗罪定罪处罚。

  Malicious behavior, including fabricating facts about the infringement of personal or property rights and interests as well as bringing a civil lawsuit on the grounds of a fake civil dispute, shall be punished as the offense of false charges if meeting the relating provisions of the Criminal Law, it adds.捏造人身、财产权益受到侵害的事实,虚构民事纠纷,提起民事诉讼,符合刑法有关规定的,以虚假诉讼罪定罪处罚。

  The guideline also stipulates that whoever deliberately causes a traffic accident and blackmails the victim utilizing the victim's violation of provisions on road passage, which meets the relating provisions of the Criminal Law, shall be punished as the crime of extortion by blackmail.“碰瓷”团伙若故意制造交通事故进而利用被害人违反道路通行规定等相要挟的,符合刑法有关规定的,以敲诈勒索罪定罪处罚。

  A relatively stable criminal organization formed by three or more persons for committing such blackmail-related crimes jointly should be considered as a criminal group, it said, noting that those in conformity with the identification standard of gang crimes should be investigated, prosecuted and tried accordingly.三人以上为共同故意实施“碰瓷”犯罪而组成的较为固定的犯罪组织,应当认定为犯罪集团。符合黑恶势力认定标准的,应当按照黑社会性质组织、恶势力或者恶势力犯罪集团侦查、起诉、审判。

责编:wzj123 评论 纠错


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