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来源:考试网   2010-07-23【
  China International Travel Service is offering you an interesting tour program that is characteristic of Chinese national culture. You will visit world-famous scenic spots, historical sites and magnificent ancient architectural complexes, and appreciate precious cultural relics. You will also have opportunities to enjoy Chinese operas and acrobatic shows, and taste authentic Chinese food and local delicacies. The traditional warmth and hospitality with which the Chinese people entertain their guests will make your visit a pleasant and memorable experience.
  Before you make a decision on our tour, I'd like to make some remarks about the quotation policies regarding the group tours with this travel agency. First, and individual's quotation for each group tour includes the cost of transportation, accommodation, meals, sightseeing, tour-guide service and round-trip international airplane tickets.
  Next, each adult can take a child under the age of twelve, whose quotation is calculated on a half-price basis. And finally, we reserve the right to make changes to the set itinerary should we encounter any unforeseeable circumstances which would prevent us from otherwise normal operations, including a full refund.
责编:sunshine 评论 纠错


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