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来源:考试网   2015-05-12【




  ①要让我们的干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化。The ranks of carders should be made more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent.

  ① 要按照革命化现代化正规化相统一的原则,加强军队全面建设。We need to strength all aspects of the army in accordance with the principle of making it more revolutionary, modern and standardized.


  2. “…率”

  效率efficiency; 折射率index of refraction;导电率electric conductivity:导热率thermal conductivity,等等。但是,不是汉语中所有的“率”都有对应的英文词。如:

  ① 北京市家用汽车普及率已经达到25%。Now 25% of families in Beijing own at least a car.

  ② 我们要将全国城乡居民分别纳入城镇职工基本医疗保险、城镇居民基本医疗保险和新型农村合作医疗制度覆盖范围,三年内参保率均提高到90%以上。Urban residents will be covered by basic medical insurance for urban workers or basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents, and rural residents will be covered by the new type of rural cooperative medical care system. We will ensure that these programs cover over 90% of those eligible within three years.

  ③ 2011年上海市计划生育率为99%。Ninety-nine percent of new births in Shanghai in the year 2011 meet national policies on family planning.


  3. “增强/降低…性”

  柔性flexibility;弹性elasticity;刚性rigidity, 等等。但是,不是汉语中所有的“…性”都有相对应的英文词。如:

  ① 我们要以更大的决心和勇气推进改革,提高改革决策的科学性,增强改革措施的协调性。We need to be more resolute and courageous in carrying out reform, and make reform decisions more scientific and reform measures better coordinated.

  ② 要加强产业、贸易、土地、投资、就业政策与财政、货币政策的一致性和协调性,形成调控合力。We need to make our fiscal and monetary policies more consistent and coordinated with our industrial, trade, land, investment and employment policies to create a control synergy.

  ③ 如今,人们对传统能源的依赖性降低了。Nowadays, people are less dependent on traditional energies.


  4. “提高…”

  可用的动词有raise, increase, elevate, uplift, heighten, improve等。尽量不用短语动词。

  ① 我们三次较大幅度提高了粮食最低收购价,提价幅度超过20%。We significantly raised minimum grain purchase prices three times, with the total increase exceeding 20%.

  ② 我们加强了耕地保护和农田水利建设,提高了农业综合生产能力。We intensified the protection of arable land and the construction of agricultural water conservancy projects, and increased overall agricultural production capacity.

  ③ 在跑道、滑行道的混凝土道面施工中,我公司成功引进了混凝土摊铺机、混凝土振动梁、混凝土道面刻纹机等先进设备,加快了工期,提高了质量、降低了成本,增加了效益。In the construction of the runway and taxiway, we introduced and successfully used such advanced equipment as concrete spreaders, concrete vibration beams and concrete road surface groove cutters, by which we shortened the construction period, improved the quality, reduced the cost and increased the profit.

  5. “加强…”

  可用的动词有enhance, reinforce, tighten, intensify, strengthen等等,有时根据原文的真实意思,甚至翻译成improve。尽量不要用短语动词。

  ① 公共文化基础设施建设得到加强,文化产业快速发展,文化体制改革不断深化。Public cultural infrastructure facilities were improved, the cultural industries developed rapidly, and reform of the cultural management system was constantly deepened.

  ② 要加强跨境资本流动监测和管理,维护金融稳定和安全。We will strengthen monitoring and supervision of cross-border capital flows to maintain financial stability and security.

  ③ 要统筹经济社会发展,全面加强以改善民生为重点的社会建设。We need to balance economic and social development and strengthen all aspects of social development with the focus on improving people's lives.

  ④ 就业和社会保障工作得到了进一步加强。Efforts were intensified to increase employment and improve the social safety net.

  ⑤ 一个好的演讲者会用事实来加强他论点。A good speaker is able to reinforce his argument with facts.

  6. “推进/促进…”

  可用的动词有impel, propel, boost, advance, drive, facilitate,promote, accelerate等等。尽量不用push ahead with, give impetus to等短语动词。

  ① 要坚定不移地推进自主创新和经济结构调整。We will unswervingly promote independent innovation and economic restructuring.

  ② 我们积极推进改革开放,为经济社会发展注入了新的活力和动力。We vigorously advanced reform and opening up and injected fresh vitality and impetus into economic and social development.

  ③ 我们要加快推进地震灾区恢复重建。We will accelerate recovery and reconstruction of the earthquake-stricken areas.

  1. “开展…”

  可用的动词有start, launch, carry out, develop等等。

  ① 我们在重点林区和长江、黄河上中游开展了天然林保护工程。We launched projects to protect the natural forests in major forest areas and along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

  ②要尽快开展装修布展的设计工作。Design of pavilion decoration and exhibits arrangement should be started as soon as possible。

  ③面对突如其来的甲型HlN1流感疫情,我们依法科学有序地开展防控工作,有效保障了人民群众生命安全,维护了社会正常秩序。Faced with the sudden outbreak of influenza A (H1N1), we carried out scientific and orderly prevention and control work in accordance with the law, and thereby effectively protected people's lives and maintained normal order in society.

  ④开展科学研究:to develop scientific research

  2. “搞好…”

  可用的说法有improve; to do well in…; to do a good job in…; make progress in…等等。当然更多的时候要根据具体情况灵活处理。

  ①他们一方面要搞好政治思想工作,一方面要搞好经济建设。They must do well both in political and ideological work and in economic construction.

  ②你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。You should always aim at doing your job well.

  ③我们坚持一个方针:同苏联继续打交道,搞好关系,同美国继续打交道,搞好关系,同日本、欧洲国家也继续打交道,搞好关系。We adhere to one principle: to maintain contacts and build good relations with the Soviet Union, with the United States, and also with Japan and the European countries.

  ④经济搞好了,教育搞好了,同时法制完备起来,司法工作完善起来,可以在很大程度上保障整个社会有秩序地前进。When our economic and educational work is proceeding satisfactorily and our legal system and judicial work are improved, the orderly progress of society as a whole can largely be guaranteed.

  ⑤与同事搞好关系:keep good relations with one’s colleagues

  3. “重视…”

  可用的说法有attach importance to…; give prominence to…; pay high attention to…; set store by…; place/put emphasis on…; lay stress on…; value; respect

  ①我们是珍重合作的,但必须他们也珍重合作。We value co-operation, but they ought to set store by it, too.

  ②在许多国家,童贞已经不像过去那样受重视了。In some countries virginity is not as highly valued as it used to be.

  ③我们的英语课程非常重视会话技能。Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills.

  ④要重视知识,重视从事脑力劳动的人,要承认这些人是劳动者。Great importance should be attached to knowledge and to those who engage in mental labor, and they should be recognized as workers.

  4. “完善/健全…”

  最可靠的说法有to improve, to make…better,

  ①基层民主制度进一步健全。The system of local-level democracy was further improved.

  ②我们要完善就业服务体系,健全劳动力输出输入地区协调协作机制,引导劳动力特别是农民工有序流动。We will improve the employment service system, strengthen coordination and cooperation between labor-exporting and labor-importing regions, and guide workers in an orderly flow, especially rural migrant workers.

  5. “坚持…”

  可用的说法有stick to…, persist in…, adhere to…, persevere in…, keep to…, to insist on…; to insist that…,甚至continue to do…

  ①坚持和落实最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约用地制度,严守18亿亩耕地红线不动摇。We will adhere to and apply the strictest possible systems for protecting arable land and economizing on the use of land, and do everything in our power to keep the total amount of arable land above the red line of 120 million hectares.

  ②新的一年,我们将继续高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,坚持走和平发展道路,坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持推进互利共赢的开放战略。In the coming year, we will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, adhere to the path of peaceful development and an independent foreign policy of peace, and pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit.

  ③为了保持健康,必须坚持科学饮食。To keep healthy, you must stick to a healthy diet.

  ④ 除非你坚持不懈地发展天赋,否则天赋是没有价值的。Talent is worthless unless you persevere in developing it.

  ⑤ 坚持走中国特色城镇化道路,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,着力提高城镇综合承载能力,发挥城市对农村的辐射带动作用,促进城镇化和新农村建设良性互动。 We will keep to the path of urbanization with Chinese characteristics. We will promote balanced development between towns and large, small and medium-sized cities; increase the overall carrying capacity of cities and towns; ensure that cities stimulate the development of surrounding rural areas; and promote positive interaction between urbanization and the building of a new countryside.

  6. “贯彻/落实…”

  可用的说法有carry out, implement, put…into practice, apply, enforce等等。

  ①深入贯彻落实科学发展观:thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development

  ②要落实好城乡免费义务教育政策。提高农村义务教育公用经费标准,把小学、初中学生人均公用经费分别提高到300元和500元。We will implement free compulsory education policies for both urban and rural areas well. We will increase public expenditures on rural compulsory education to 300 yuan per primary school student and 500 yuan per junior secondary school student.

  ③我们完善了促进就业、以创业带动就业的政策,落实了最低工资制度。We improved our policy to stimulate and expand employment by encouraging business startups, and enforced the minimum wage system.

  ④所有的提议现在均已落实。All the proposals have now been carried out.

  ⑤4月底,粮食流通体制改革方案出台,几个月来实施顺利,各项政策正在贯彻落实,已经取得初步成效。The program for reforming the grain circulation system was put forward in late April and has been implemented smoothly since then. Various policies have been put into practice and achieved preliminary results.

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