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来源:考试网   2011-11-09【
 3. (A) Melatonin is the source of a big push from biology that makes teenagers night owls.

  (B) Melatonin is a simple signal that turns on in the morning and turns off in the evening.

  (C) Melatonin is secreted several hours later in childhood than it will be during adolescence.

  (D) Melatonin doesn't shut off until 11 o'clock P.M. every day.

  4. (A) They have to struggle to stay up all night.

  (B) They get severely sleep deprived.

  (C) They very often oversleep.

  (D) They fall asleep too soon at night.

  5. (A) Alertness.

  (B) Reaction time.

  (C) Emotion.

  (D) Concentration.

  Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

  6. (A) Corporate executives are confident in the stock market trends.

  (B) Investors in general believe that the outlook for profits is worsening.

  (C) Some major company executives are selling more shares than buying.

  (D) The US stock market is expanding at a 5.6 percent annual rate this year.

  7. (A) To inspect the shuttle for potentially critical heat shield damage.

  (B) To rewire the space station for a permanent power source.

  (C) To beat the odds to get off the launch pad in the first night-time launch.

  (D) To make a fiery ascent that turns night into day.

  8. (A) 50.

  (B) 80.

  (C) 150.

  (D) 180.

  9. (A) Forty-five women were killed in the blaze at a drug treatment center.

  (B) The fire was not caused by arson according to a senior firefighter.

  (C) Nine mentally ill patients died in the fire.

  (D) People were trapped behind locked gates and barred windows.

  10. (A) Two detectives investigating the case had tested positive for traces of radiation.

  (B) The ex-wife and the former mother-in-law of the spy were also poisoned.

  (C) The Russian businessman who met the former spy in London has fallen ill.

  (D) There is a high degree of probability that it is polonium that killed the spy.

 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

  11. (A) Closed to the public. (B) Silent and empty.

  (C) Packed with (D) Strangely crowded.

  12. (A) New Mexico. (B) Minnesota.

  (C) The coast of Florida. (D) The Caribbean.


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