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来源:考试网   2019-12-04【


  Henan is the cradle of the Chinese nation and civilization. Of the four great inventions in ancient China, three were invented here, including the compass, paper-making and gun powder. The region has impresive historical and cultural legacy, with many cultural relics and sites of historical interest. In fact, it holds the largest number of cultural relics in the country. In addition, it is home to 25 UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites, 358 historical and cultural sites protected at the national level, four UNESCO Global Geoparks, 12 national key scenic spots, and 13 national nature reserves.

  Henan is an also economically leading province. In 2017, its economy ranked fifth in the country. Its GDP and per capita GDP were 4.50 trillion yuan and 471,30 yuan, up by 7.8 percent and 7.4 percent from 2016 respectively. Its grain acreage amounted to 10.13 million hectares, producing 59.34 million tons of grain, an increase of 268,000 tons from 2016. In addition, its industrial value-added grew by 7.4 percent to 1.88 trillion yuan, and total retail sales of consumer goods rose by 11.6 percent to 1.97 trillion yuan. The CPI was 1.4 percent higher than 2016.

  Over recent years, Henan has emerged as an important node in the Belt and Road Initiative. It now maintains trade ties with more than 200 countries and regions, and houses 127 of the world’s top 500 companies. Going forward, it will offer more attractive policies and create a more business-friendly environment to encourage global investment and achieve greater win-win results.

责编:liyuxin 评论 纠错


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