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来源:考试网   2018-01-04【

  拒载 refuse to take passengers

  举债经营 operation with borrowed capital

  聚众淫乱 group licentiousness (The Qinhuai District People's Court in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, handed down verdicts to 22 people, including associate professor Ma Yaohai, after convict ing them on charges of group licentiousness.江苏省南京市秦淮区法院对包括副教授马尧海在内的 22 人进行了宣判,所涉罪名为聚众淫乱罪。)

  居住用地 residential land ("Res idential land supply will increase and low-income housing projects will top local governments' agendas," Yun said during a video-conference on Monday. 贠小苏(国土资源部副部长)周一在视频会议上表示:“居住用地的供应量会有所增加,低收入家庭住房工程将成为地方政府议事日程的重中之重。”)

  捐资办学 denote money for school

  决策机构 decision-making organ;policy-making body

  决策性机构 policy-making body

  决堤 breaching of the dyke; break the banks; burst the banks (Heavy rain across a swathe of southern China over the last week has killed at least 132 people and left 86 missing, as rivers broke their banks and landslides cut off road and rail links. 我国南方一带上周突降暴雨,导致河流决堤,暴雨引发的山体滑坡致使公路和铁路系统中断,已造成至少 132 人死亡,86 人失踪。)

  决战时刻 zero hour

  绝对贫困 absolute poverty

  居家养老 home-based care for the aged

  居民身份证 resident identificat ion card

  居民住房建设 residential construction

  军备集结 arms build-up

  军备竞赛 arms race

  竣工仪式 complet ion ceremony

  军国主义 militarism

  均衡规律 law of proportionality

  军火走私 gun-running; arms smuggling

  军民共建精神文明活动 joint army-civilian efforts to promote socialist ethics and culture in their respective units

  军嫂 soldier's wife

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