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来源:考试网   2014-12-12【


  1.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:美国一项研究显示,体重指数正常却有啤酒肚的人群较体重指数超标的人群因心血疾病死亡的风险更高。

  #参考答案#A study from the US suggests that people with a normal overall BMI and a beer belly are at higher risk of death due to cardiovascular problems than those with a BMI in the obese range.

  2.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:英国有研究人员发现,一个人的微博内容能反映其精神状态,频繁出现“死”、“杀”、“埋葬”等字眼,为警惕信号。

  #参考答案#British researchers found that a person’s microblog contents can reflect his mental state; frequent use of words such as “die”, “kill”, and “bury” are warning signs.

  3.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:德国总理默克尔本周将展开她在半年内的第二次中国之行,希望加强世界最大的两个出口国之间蓬勃发展的贸易关系。

  #参考答案#Germany's Angela Merkel makes her second trip to China in half a year this week, hoping to strengthen booming trade ties between the world's top two exporters.

  4.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:东方墨舞·第四届北京国际书法双年展,将于9月21日至25日在京举办,展出书法作品1200余件。

  #参考答案#Beijing’s 4th International Calligraphy Biennial, The Dance of Oriental Calligraphy, will be held in the capital from September 21st to 25th. More than 1200 calligraphy works will be on display.

  5.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:中国教育部告诫各大专院校不得造成不公平的招生过程,和不得在秋季开学前向学生收取额外费用。

  #参考答案#China’s Ministry of Education warned colleges and schools against fostering unfair competition in the student recruitment process and charging students extra fees ahead of the fall semester.

  6.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:根据美国一项调查,美国小孩平均一周的零用钱为15美元,其中仅1%的孩童有储蓄的习惯。

  #参考答案#According to a recent survey in the US, the average allowance for American kids is 15 dollars a week and only 1% have the habit of saving their allowances.

  7.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:美国研究人员和在线评论网站正试图以驱逐不真实的评论来铲除操纵网络评价制度的行为。

  #参考答案#US researchers and online review sites are trying to root out efforts to manipulate the online review system, by outing inauthentic reviews.


  1.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:While this question was being discussed neither of the pair noticed, in their preoccupation, that little Abraham had crept into the room, and was awaiting an opportunity of asking them to return.


  2.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Mrs Durbeyfield was welcomed with glances and nods by the remainder of the conclave, and turned to where her husband sat.


  3.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Abraham talked on, rather for the pleasure of utterance than for audition, so that his sister's abstraction was of no account.


  4.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Then Durbeyfield began to shovel in the earth and the children cried anew. All except Tess. Her face was dry and pale, as though she regarded herself in the light of a murderess.


  5.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:In the Durbeyfield countenances there was nothing of the red wrath that would have burnt upon the girl from parents more ambitious for her welfare. Nobody blamed Tess as she blamed herself.


  6.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:When they had passed the little town of Stourcastle, dumbly somnolent under its thick brown thatch, they reached higher ground.


  7.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:From here about the long road was fairly level for some distance onward. They mounted in front of the wagon, and Abraham grew reflective.


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