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来源:考试网   2014-12-10【


  1.#翻译微实践# 请翻译: 9月25日交给中國人民解放軍海軍启用的,中國第一航母“遼寧”,已完成了它的首航。

  #参考答案# China's first aircraft carrier "Liaoning" commissioned to the PLA Navy on Sept. 25, has returned from its maiden voyage.

  2.#翻译微实践# 请翻译: 目前為止,947罪犯已为生產及銷售有毒或有害食品,被中國法院判刑,最高人民法院發言人表示。

  #参考答案# 947 criminals have so far been sentenced by Chinese courts for producing and selling poisonous or harmful food, according to a spokesman for the Supreme People's Court.

  3.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:中國解放軍和來訪的美國軍樂團“Pershing's Own”,週一在北京聯合舉行了演奏會。

  #参考答案# The Military Band of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the visiting United States Army Band Pershing's Own, held a joint concert on Monday in Beijing.

  4.#翻译微实践# 请翻译: 一架俄羅斯蘇霍伊SU-24的前線轟炸機在飛行訓練中墜毀在烏拉爾山脈,沒有造成人員傷亡。

  #参考答案# A Russian Sukhoi SU-24 frontline bomber crashed in the Ural mountains during a training flight, causing no casualties.

  5.#翻译微实践# 请翻译: 中国年度公派出国留学人数从2006年的7500人增至2012年的16000人,学生人数增加一倍多。

  #参考答案#China’s annual public funded overseas students grew from 7,500 in 2006 to 16,000 in 2012, the number of students more than doubled.

  6.#翻译微实践# 请翻译: 泰勒?史薇芙特的星光步步高升,她的的第四張專輯“紅色”,在发行的第一週賣出了120萬份。

  #参考答案#Taylor Swift's star continues to skyrocket, Red, the singer's fourth studio album, sold 1.2 million copies its first week out.

  7.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:法國和德國大使館在北京朝陽區東大橋,共同開創新法德簽證中心,提高簽證办理效率。

  #参考答案# The French and German embassies jointly open their new Franco-German Visa Center on Dongdaqiao, Chaoyang district, Beijing, to promote the efficiency of visa applications.


  1.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:While arranging my hair, I looked at my face in the glass, and felt it was no longer plain: there was hope in its aspect and life in its colour.

  #参考答案# 我在梳头时朝镜子里打量了一下自己的脸,感到它不再平庸了。面容透出了希望,脸色有了活力.

  2.#翻译微实践# 请翻译: I was not surprised, when I ran down into the hall, to see that a brilliant June morning had succeeded to the tempest of the night.

  #参考答案# 我跑下楼去,进了大厅,只见阳光灿烂的六月早晨,已经代替了暴风雨之夜,我一点也不惊奇。

  3.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Human beings never enjoy complete happiness in this world. I was not born for a different destiny to the rest of my species。

  #参考答案# 在这个世界上,人类永远不能享受绝对幸福。我并不是生来与我的同类有不同的命运。

  4.#翻译微实践# 请翻译: To women who please me only by their faces, I am the very devil when I find out they have neither souls nor hearts

  #参考答案# 对那些光靠容貌吸引我的女人,一旦我发现她们既没有灵魂也没有良心,我便成了真正的魔鬼。

  5.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Distasteful! and like you again! I think I shall like you again, and yet again: and I will make you confess I do not only like, but love you- with truth, fervour, constancy.

  #参考答案# 讨厌?又会喜欢你呢!我想我会一而再,再而三地喜欢你。我会让你承认,我不仅喜欢你,而且爱你——真挚、热情、始终如一。

  6.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:I turned my lips to the hand that lay on my shoulder. I loved him very much- more than I could trust myself to say- more than words had power to express.

  #参考答案# 我把嘴唇转过去,吻了吻搭在我肩上的手。我深深地爱着他——深得连我自己也难以相信能说得清楚——深得非语言所能表达。

  7.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Which I can and will realise. I shall begin to-day. This morning I wrote to my banker in London to send me certain jewels he has in his keeping.


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