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来源:考试网   2014-12-10【


  1.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:根据美国一项调查,美国小孩平均一周的零用钱为15美元,其中仅1%的孩童有储蓄的习惯。

  #参考答案#According to a recent survey in the US, the average allowance for American kids is 15 dollars a week and only 1% have the habit of saving their allowances.

  2.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:美国研究人员和在线评论网站正试图以驱逐不真实的评论来铲除操纵网络评价制度的行为。

  #参考答案#US researchers and online review sites are trying to root out efforts to manipulate the online review system, by outing inauthentic reviews.

  3.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特的遗孀对其死亡原因提出新的疑点,法国检察官周二重启调查是否阿拉法特被下毒杀害。

  #参考答案#French prosecutors opened a murder inquiry into the death of Yasser Arafat on Tuesday, after his widow raised new questions about whether the Palestinian leader was poisoned.

  4.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:北京市为首批“城市癌症早诊早治项目”试点之一,今年将在5万高危人群中免费开展多项癌症筛查。

  #参考答案#Being one of those piloting the program “Early Cancer Detection and Treatment in Urban Areas”, Beijing plans to perform various cancer screening for 50,000 high risk population this year.

  5.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:韩国官方表示,中国渔船因台风“布拉万”袭击韩国在济州岛附近覆没,有至少5人罹难,10人失踪。

  #参考答案#At least five Chinese fishermen have been killed and 10 others are missing after their boats capsized near Jeju island as Typhoon Bolaven hit South Korea, officials say.

  6.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:杜克大学研究显示,未满18岁并经常吸食大麻的青少年,或可造成其智商永久受损。

  #参考答案#A new study from Duke University suggests that teenagers younger than 18 who frequently smoke marijuana risk a permanent drop in their IQ.

  7.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:在专利侵权案败诉而被处10亿美元赔偿的数日之后,三星誓言对抗苹果声明禁止其智能手机在美国商店销售的要求。

  #参考答案#Days after losing a 1 billion dollar patent infringement lawsuit, Samsung vows to fight Apple's request to ban a handful of its smartphones from U.S. stores.


  1.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Tess Durbeyfield's route on this memorable morning lay amid the northeastern undulations of the Vale in which she had been born, and in which her life had unfolded.


  2.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Tess turned the subject by saying what was far more prominent in her own mind at the moment than thoughts of her ancestry.


  3.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:When d'Urberville got back to the tent he sat down astride on a chair reflecting, with a pleased gleam in his face. Then he broke into a loud laugh.


  4.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:However, Tess became humanely beneficent towards the small ones, and to help them as much as possible she used, as soon as she left school, to lend a hand at hay making or harvesting on neighboring farms.


  5.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Then she became aware of the spectacle she presented to their surprised vision: roses at her breast; roses in her hat; roses and strawberries in her basket to the brim.


  6.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:When the passengers were not looking she stealthily removed the more prominent blooms from her hat and placed them in the basket, where she covered them with her handkerchief.

  6.#翻译微实践# 参考答案:在乘客们不再注意她的时候,她就偷偷地把帽子上特别显眼的玫瑰花取下来,放在篮子里,用她的手巾遮盖起来。

  7.#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Then she entered the house she perceived in a moment from her mother`s triumphant manner that something had occurred in the interim.

  7.#翻译微实践# 参考答案:她进了家,立刻就从她母亲得意洋洋的脸色上看出,在她不在家这段时间里,已经发生了什么事。

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