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来源:考试网   2011-10-19【


  26. He felt cheap about rushing to get in line before the old lady carrying heavy parcels.

  A. felt inferior and ashamed

  B. felt not worthwhile of doing something

  C. felt bad about doing something

  D. felt unhappy about doing something


  27. Only individual benefactors and ad hoc grants have made possible the ecological surveys already undertaken.

  A. additional B. governmental C. special D. organizational


  28. The dichotomy postulated by many between morality and interests, between idealism and realism, is one of the standard clichés of the ongoing debate over international affairs.

  A. division into two parts B. combination of two parts

  C. disparity D. contradiction


  29. Miguel's perplexity is understandable ― he's an all-purpose maintenance man at a midtown-Manhattan residential building.

  A. all out B. versatile C. prolific D. capable


  30. Take the stalemate between the administration and the oil companies for example.

  A. case B. deadlock C. conflict D. contradiction


  31. The sense of mistrust is compounded by smaller annoyances that leave the families feeling as though no one in authority cares about them.

  A. offset B. intensified C. diminished D. annulled


  32. The very ubiquity of electronic communications can have a surprising downside, notes Richard Kohn, a military historian at the University of North Carolina: a wife becomes accustomed to frequent e-mail from her husband, until he can't get to a computer. And then her anxiety increases.

  A. failure B. underside C. drawback D. consequence


  33. The President took a drubbing from much of the press which had breathlessly reported that a deal was in the bag.

  A. was sure to be made B. was being considered

  C. was their secret weapon D. was their last resort


  34. This reflects the priority being attached to economic over political activity, partly caused by a growing reluctance to enter a calling blighted by relentless publicity that all too often ends in destroying careers and reputations.

  A. divine summons B. political career

  C. profession D. business transaction


  35. If you can't dig into the field you have chosen for your pursuit, it is hardly possible for you to achieve anything significant in the field.

  A. acquire B. require C. accompany D. accomplish

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