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来源:考试网   2010-07-16【

职业道德 ethics of profession

人民共和国劳动法 the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China

中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student

自然增长率 natural growth rate

自学成才 self-taught and self-made person; become a qualified professional through self-taught way

招生就业指导 enrolment and vocation guidance

争取实现高等教育大众化 work to make regular higher education accessible to the majority of young people

重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型企业 to stress the development of labor-intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential

抓好农村和流动人口计划生育管理与服务 devote efforts to the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population

城镇最低生活保障制度 the minimum living standard security system

责编:sunshine 评论 纠错


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